
How asset management tools are proving their value

Agencies are building better catalogs of hardware and software purchases. With those in hand and some smart use of the information, they're developing more efficient approaches to managing IT departments.

Digital Government

For BYOD, some industry sharing after all

Hewlett-Packard shares its mobile-device policy with government-industry working group.


USDA points to telework's bottom-line benefits

While security concerns still bedevil telework, agencies are beginning to meet the challenge with results to show for it.

Digital Government

Analytics: Big data takes center stage in 2013

Data analytics generated headlines in 2012, and experts believe performance metrics and big data will become even more prominent in 2013.


ID management moves past passwords

As it becomes widely recognized that simple techniques aren't secure enough to prevent unauthorized access to government information, agencies are considering other options.

Digital Government

Mobile boosts productivity, risk for feds

Survey finds most employees bring their own mobile device to work, but just one in nine say their agency has a clear policy.

Digital Government

BYOD encounters yet another hurdle

As agencies try to craft effective policies, the private sector is not sharing lessons learned.

Digital Government

Why you really should read those terms of service

GSA's new agreement with Pinterest is the latest attempt to ensure agencies' social outreach do not conflict with federal law.

Digital Government

Finding structure for unstructured data

In a new set of papers, Booz Allen Hamilton details its Cloud Analytics Reference Architecture, blending big data and cloud computing into a solution that agencies are using to detect threats.

Digital Government

GSA clears Pinterest for feds

A government-specific terms-of-service agreement makes it safe for agencies to use the picture-hosting social-media service.


Bid protests: Useful tool or abusive practice?

Bid protests may be a necessary way for companies to stand up for their interests, but they also can be a tactic to game the system, according to some analysts.

Digital Government

IG details unaddressed tech concerns at Commerce

Despite past reports highlighting various deficiencies, many recommendations have not been implented yet, IG tells Congressional panel.


How to fix bad agency websites

First Fridays, a GSA-run usability testing program, helps federal agencies improve their online presence.


Protest slows NASA open source project

NASA's plans to move to a content management system with open source architecture would govern 140 websites and 1,600 assets and applications.


Would Kerry advance e-diplomacy?

Hillary Clinton's expected successor lacks her public commitment to "21st-Century Statecraft," but experts predict he would advance the initiative.

Digital Government

Add 'value' to the Vs of big data

Value matters in big data investments, but money isn't the only measure.

Digital Government

Purchase agreement gives NASA open source, cloud offerings

Purchase agreement with InfoZen covers web sites, applications and a content management system replacement.

Digital Government

Success story: DFAS spots bad payments with big data

While many agencies are trying to crack the big data code, the Defense Finance and Accounting Service has used it to save billions over just four years.


Diplopedia: Low cost, high engagement

The State Department's six-year-old wiki-based knowledge-sharing tool is growing steadily, providing information to 60,000 department employees while costing next to nothing to run.


Civilian agencies outpace DOD for spending on ongoing IT maintenance

GAO: Agencies spent 70 percent of a $79 billion IT budget on existing systems in 2011.