Digital Government

Agencies falter on FOIA

A watchdog group's audit of federal agencies reveals that a startling number have not followed directives issued by President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder to update Freedom of Information Act policies.


Want to save money? Clear up cloud confusion early.

Agencies are expected to increase spending on cloud computing, but should be careful to define expectations and negotiate terms of service carefully to avoid difficulties, experts advise.

Digital Government

The Chief Data Officer: Arguments pro and con

In an era of big data, does a new position for an agency leader dedicated to data management make sense?

Digital Government

Big data affects hiring, privacy

The emerging concept of big data has been largely unregulated to date, giving rise to concerns about privacy and potential legislation.


State's proposal to delay tweets draws undelayed reaction

Possible policy change at diplomacy agency would blunt one of the key strengths of social media, critics say.


Legacy systems still power much of government

Despite all the talk of modernization, much of the government's IT spending goes to the operation of systems based on decades-old technology.


Issa's home robbed

Rep. Darrell Issa's California home was robbed in late November, authorities report.


Is virtualization the key to real data center savings?

Virtualization may be the key to federal agencies realizing major savings through the Federal Data Center Consolidation Initiative, but it's hard to tell whether agencies are moving forward with it.

Digital Government

NOAA readies for satellite gap

Scientific research continues at NOAA, but a coming gap in satellite coverage could soon interrupt.


Digital government milestone passes in silence

The six-month mark for the president's digital strategy has come and gone, but agency officials are waiting until the new year to call attention to it.


Noel Dickover's TechCamps gaining speed

Not content to rest on any laurels, Fed 100 winner Noel Dickover has stepped up his work bringing technology inspiration to other countries on behalf of the State Department.


VA's Tibbits: Vendors need to show the value of their offerings

Without use cases to show how a technology can reduce costs or otherwise benefit an agency, the sales pitches are not helpful, VA official says.

Digital Government

State Department continues tech outreach campaign

Tech@State gatherings bring outside expertise, goodwill to Foggy Bottom at minimal cost.


Forman: FDCCI cost savings are 'smoke and mirrors'

Applications and operating systems must be consolidated as well, former OMB IT head contends.

Digital Government

GAO calls for better management of geospatial data

Agencies are duplicating investments and wasting millions due to poor coordination, report finds.


DOD on target with data center consolidation

Military data centers make up more than half of the 2,900 identified governmentwide; Pentagon aims to eventually trim from 1,500 to 250.


NOAA geostationary satellite program gets favorable review

While problems with other programs could lead to lengthy gaps in polar satellite coverage, agency’s GOES-R project is on track for 2015 launches.


NOAA seeks stopgap solutions to looming satellite issue

With a lengthy gap in weather-satellite coverage likely, agency is looking for other ways to ensure forecasts’ quality and timeliness.


Improper payments by agencies on the decline

OMB touts $47 billion in savings since 2009, approaching Obama’s goal of $50 billion by the end of fiscal 2012.