
In Congress, tech experience runs deep for four new members

Representatives-elect Daines, Foster, DelBene and Salmon could be the techie caucus of the House freshman class.


Data center savings hard to predict

Although the number of data center closings is on pace, the savings are somewhat mysterious due to patchy information coming from agencies.

Digital Government

Agencies promise better investment oversight

GAO cites need for better analysis of legacy IT systems and the $54 billion spent running them in FY 2011

Digital Government

GAO raps Defense for transparency

DOD's CIO may have understated the riskiness of some of its IT investments, auditors assert.


IT can have 'transformational impact': Spires

Technology initiatives have the potential to radically change government, but employees need current skills, CIOs say.


Innovation agenda needed to solve national problems, report concludes

A group of Brookings Institution fellows, headed by Darrell West, have authored a report identifying needed innovations and the challenges associated with them.


The key to performance improvement

A panel discusses what it will really take to improve the performance of government during the president's second term.


Satellites on borrowed time

The fleet of satellites that enable accurate weather forecasting is aging, and the program intended to replace them is both behind schedule and over-budget. As a result, a lengthy gap without the satellites' data is looking more likely.


Agencies should brace for more public access to records

The Transparency Project helps file FOIA requests and offers transparency tools.


Obama wins. Now what?

The re-election of President Barack Obama raises new questions about bipartisanship, agency funding and the tech agenda.


NAPA plans advice for the president on federal initiatives

Recommendations for the president on large-scale projects and performance improvement are set for release and discussion at a public event.

Digital Government

Sandy shows storm-prediction progress

As bad as Sandy was, it could have been far worse. Advances in the government's prediction tools allowed early, accurate warning.


Transparency ideas abound at 'Ideathon'

Young innovators develop ideas for governance, big data, crowdsourcing and other vexing concerns at OpenGov Hub event.


NCI site hacked -- or was it?

The National Cancer Institute denies that a hacker group called LulzSecEurope breached its security.


The agency chief management officer: An old idea with new momentum

An agency chief management officer would 'professionalize the management of agency functions' according to one authority, and the idea is gaining support. Dwight Ink, who worked in the federal government for decades, pressed for the creation of such a role without success.


Advising the next president on federal IT

Veterans of federal IT policymaking and management have some suggestions for the winner of November's election.