Digital Government

Survey: Four in Five Industry Tech Execs Favor Federal Privacy Law

Corporate America’s top tech officials favor a privacy law even if they aren’t sure how to adhere to it.


After CIO No-Show, Congress Not Confident in VA’s IT Shop

The Veterans Affairs Department earned no goodwill when it declined to testify before a House Veterans’ Affairs subcommittee.

Digital Government

To Provide the Best Customer Experience, Be Proactive

"Be where your customers are" and other helpful tips from customer experience professionals.

Artificial Intelligence

Without JEDI, Pentagon’s Artificial Intelligence Efforts May Be Hindered

The Pentagon won’t be able to maximize artificial intelligence’s true capabilities without an enterprise cloud solution, something it’s currently trying to contract out.


Another Defense Agency Migrates Data to Amazon Cloud

The Defense Health Agency joins a growing list of defense agencies moving their data to the commercial cloud.


GSA Releases Technology Business Management Playbook

After several months of development, the General Services Administration and the Education Department share what they learned by implementing TBM.

Digital Government

IT Spending Holds Steady in Trump’s Budget

Civilian agencies would get more and the Defense Department less in the president’s budget proposal.

Digital Government

House Lawmakers Join Push for Federal Contractor Back Pay

After a push from senators, 48 House members urged the House Appropriations Committee to include back pay for federal contractors in funding legislation.

Emerging Tech

Facial Recognition Bill Would Ban Companies From Sharing Your Face Without Consent

A bipartisan bill introduced this week would strengthen consumer protections around facial recognition technology.


Proposed Rule Would Force Health Care Providers to Share Records Electronically

For millions of Americans, accessing their health records is an onerous task. A new rule could change that.

Digital Government

Labor Department Creates Chief Data Officer Position

In addition to a CDO, the agency will establish a data board—both in accordance with the OPEN Government Data Act.


Trump Budget Request Seeks $150 Million for Tech Modernization Fund

The president’s fiscal 2020 budget proposal asks for lots of IT spending in defense, border surveillance tech and the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Digital Government

Big Tech Claps Back at Warren’s Proposal to Break Up Amazon, Google, Facebook

The tech industry doesn’t think Sen. Warren’s idea to break up big tech companies is a good idea.

Digital Government

NOAA Celebrates Weather Satellite Removal From GAO’s High Risk List

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration successfully navigated a major challenge to one of its weather satellite systems that could have derailed U.S. weather forecasting.


Pentagon’s Cyber Mission Force Needs Better Training Plan

A government watchdog found flaws in the Defense Department’s transition from building its Cyber Mission Force to maintaining it.


VA to Pilot Health Records System in March 2020

Lawmakers still have serious concerns about the agency’s multibillion health records overhaul.