Emerging Tech

If You Aren’t Using Your Data, It’s Just Taking Up Space

Data is only valuable if you can redesign the way government works using it, according to Mike Walsh, CEO of Tomorrow.

Emerging Tech

Many Feds Still Uneasy About Cloud Use

A new report found that 44 percent of polled government tech gurus remain “uncomfortable” or “very uncomfortable” turning IT services and applications over to cloud service providers.

Emerging Tech

Can Analytics Save US Soldiers from Suicide?

The Army is in the midst of a five-year effort that aims to identify factors that protect or put at risk a soldier’s mental health.

Emerging Tech

DOD OKs 23 Cloud Solutions for Least Sensitive Data

DISA formalized its strategic decision, granting provisional authorizations to 23 cloud service offerings up to Impact Level 2.

Emerging Tech

What Capital Bikeshare’s Busiest Bike Says About Open Data

Capital Bikeshare releases a plethora of data about its bike fleet. Developers have done some surprising things with the data.


The Architect Behind the Intelligence Community's Cloud Move Retires

Longtime public servant Al Tarasiuk’s career in the IC began in 1988, with an electrical engineering job at the CIA.

Emerging Tech

Could Big Data Fix Government’s Cyber Problem?

A majority of federal, local and state cybersecurity professionals polled in a new study believe their organizations are “overwhelmed” by the volume of security data.


FBI Readies Multimillion Contract for Cyber Expertise

The FBI plans to contract out professional, management and support services for up to $100 million.

Emerging Tech

Agencies Often Lack Strong Authentication and it’s a Big Problem

Agencies reported nearly 70,000 cyberincidents in fiscal 2014, a 15 percent bump up from the previous year.

Emerging Tech

Innovation in Federal IT? Sorry, Not in the Budget This Year

A new survey, not surprisingly, finds “budget limitations” are the top barrier to new IT adoption.

Emerging Tech

Martha Dorris Moves Positions at GSA

The longtime fed will become the director of GSA’s Office of Strategic Programs within GSA’s Office of Integrated Technology Services.

Emerging Tech

Tech Giants Team Up to Unleash NOAA’s Data

NOAA will partner with major cloud computing providers to explore ways the agency might better unleash its vast environmental data stores for the public good.

Digital Government

18F’s Hillary Hartley on Redesigning Government Services: Put the People First

As deputy executive director of GSA’s digital services team, Hillary Hartley’s job is to put customers at the forefront of any technology project.

Digital Government

HealthCare.gov Still Gets Poor Marks for Customer Experience

The U.S. Postal Service and the National Parks Service get highest grades in government.

Emerging Tech

These 3 Steps Could Prevent 85 Percent of All Data Breaches

A great many cyber calamities are preventable through basic cybersecurity hygiene.

Emerging Tech

Federal CIO Tony Scott Expects Some 'Resistance' on Federal IT Reform Law

Scott became the government’s top techie in February and it hasn’t taken long for him to realize things work very differently in government.

Emerging Tech

Casey Coleman Heads to Unisys

Coleman, who led GSA’s IT efforts from 2007 to 2014 before taking a position with AT&T Government Solutions, is joining Unisys Federal.

Digital Government

OMB Blueprint for IT Reform Coming Soon

Agencies still need to get to work determining how to meet FITARA because a postponement in OMB guidance won’t be an excuse when Congress comes calling.


NSA’s Grand Plan to Snowden-Proof Its Data Using the Cloud

No one in the intelligence community wants to face another leak. With NSA’s widespread adoption of cloud computing, the spy agency may not have to.