Emerging Tech

Army Turns to IBM’s Hybrid Cloud to Take on Logistics Challenges

The Army has secured the hybrid cloud computing services of IBM to bolster services provided by its Logistics Support Activity.

Emerging Tech

Army Unveils Cloud Strategy

The Army's formal cloud strategy aligns with the Pentagon’s evolving policies.

Emerging Tech

Snowden: NSA Not (Specifically) Looking for Your Nude Photos

Americans are largely bored with conversations about surveillance reform. What about when it touches on their most intimate communications?

Emerging Tech

New FedRAMP, DHS Initiative Aims to Make it Easier for Feds to Access the Cloud

The overlay will serve as the “first step" in allowing agencies greater flexibility as they move to securely adopt cloud services.

Emerging Tech

Census' Tech Use Could Slash Cost of 2020 Count by Nearly Half

The only way Commerce can make good on its promise is through the intelligence use of technology, said CIO Steve Cooper.

Emerging Tech

Clinton’s Email Excuse Doesn’t Add Up

All it took was four released emails to poke major holes in Clinton’s email excuse that she didn't want to carry several devices.

Emerging Tech

BYOD to the Pentagon? Pilot to Begin This Summer

One of the government’s most risk-averse agencies is making plans for a BYOD pilot program this summer.

Emerging Tech

Tech Alone Can’t Solve Government’s Customer Experience Clunkers

Still, the biggest challenge to the government improving its customer experience still lies with people, not tech, experts say.


Huddle’s ‘Collaborative’ Cloud Offering Latest to Get FedRAMP Seal of Approval

The company's secure cloud collaboration service is the latest offering to meet FedRAMP security standards.

Emerging Tech

Does the Customer Know Best When it Comes to Federal Services?

After the HealthCare.gov implosion, the federal government learned the hard way the importance of customer experience.


Cloud for Public Good: Amazon Now Hosts Largest Public Collection of Satellite Imagery

AWS will host thousands satellite images in its public cloud through a partnership between the U.S. Geological Survey and NASA.

Emerging Tech

Here Are the Agencies That Let Their Scientists Speak (and Tweet) Freely

It’s not always easy for scientists to share their viewpoints and speak freely on issues, and those who publicly do frequently face backlash.

Emerging Tech

Another Gender Equality Fail: Top Tech Execs Still Clueless About Women

Google chairman's gaffe seems more the tech industry standard than an isolated bout of ignorance.

Emerging Tech

Can HP's 'Security-as-a-Service' Product Change How Agencies Secure Apps?

Government customers can use it to perform security assessments of new or existing application code, websites and end-to-end mobile app security testing through the cloud.

Emerging Tech

Why ‘Cloud is Here to Stay’

Cloud computing may be the most-hyped technology since the Internet itself, but its reputation as a disruptor is perhaps one of the few technologies that would have Public Enemy changing their lyrics.

Emerging Tech

DISA Drops $1.6B Contract after Controversy

The cancellation comes as several companies protested the award in February.

Emerging Tech

Stop Hating on Graham’s Email Admission

Let’s bring back the Spice Girls, frosted hair tips and wide-legged jeans: It feels like 1995.

Emerging Tech

Halvorsen Now Defense Department’s Permanent CIO

Terry Halvorsen gets the bump from acting CIO and will exercise authority over the Pentagon’s $36 billion IT budget.