
The Pentagon Accelerates Move to Cloud Computing

The proof is in the participation: The Defense Department’s latest cloud security guidelines received 800-plus public comments, the vast majority of them from industry players and cloud providers.


This Is How Feds Will Protect Sensitive Data in the Cloud

The so-called high-impact baseline has become a major priority because of recent demand from both the Defense Department and civilian agencies.

Emerging Tech

Feds Get a How-To Guide for Responding to Social Media Hacks

If you’re a fed whose job involves dealing with your department’s social media accounts, this resource is worth a look.


GSA Spends Over $100 Million for New Cloud Services

Awarded through GSA’s Office of Citizen Services and Innovative Technologies, the contract will be a GSA-wide procurement vehicle,

Emerging Tech

For Feds, Choosing Cloud Services is a Lot Like Dating

Know what you want and be serious about committing are sage pieces of advice that also apply to procuring cloud computing services in the federal government.

Emerging Tech

Obama’s Best SOTU Quip Rips ‘I’m Not a Scientist’ Line

Obama’s best line of the night may have come when he addressed climate change.

Emerging Tech

Customs Agency Has to Keep Records for 75 Years. That’s a Lot of Tape Drives.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection is mandated to store certain records for more than 70 years.

Emerging Tech

What Do DISA’s New Cloud Security Requirements Mean for Classified Information?

The Defense Information Systems Agency released updated cloud security requirements this week, simplifying the “impact levels” that classify information sensitivity.

Emerging Tech

Dan Tangherlini’s Tech Legacy

The outgoing head of the General Services Administration was directly responsible for the wealth of next-generation digital talent that now roams the agency's halls.

Emerging Tech

A Closer Look at How IBM’s Watson Could Transform Veteran Health Care

VA’s experiment with IBM’s Watson computer represents a chance for some groundbreaking efforts in health care.

Emerging Tech

Introducing the New Emerging Tech Blog

Regular topics will include interesting tidbits on IT, research and development efforts, the rumor mill and emerging ideas that may one day be the next big deal.

Digital Government

DISA Reshuffle Shines Spotlight on Cyber

Restructure puts cybersecurity in the limelight, with cyber categorized by as the most important of five “Cs” for which DISA will be responsible.

Emerging Tech

How Reverse-Engineering the Brain Could Help Machines Learn

The research arm of the intelligence community wants “human-like proficiency” in processing tasks like one-shot learning, unsupervised clustering and scene parsing

Digital Government

IBM’s Full-Court Press to Capture DOD Health Records Contract

DOD is expected in June 2015 to award the $11 billion contract for overhauling its electronic health records system.


Sony Hack Signals ‘New Normal’ in Cybersecurity

The attack on the entertainment conglomerate illustrates the cold reality of the cybersecurity landscape today: It’s likely to get worse before it gets better.


Watchdog Wants to Know if DOD Has Actually Saved Money by Jumping to the Cloud

Audit to determine whether DOD components performed cost-benefit analyses before buying cloud services.


With New Policy, DOD Components Won’t Need DISA to Buy Cloud Services

The new guidance overrides two previous memorandums that charged DISA with assessing the security of commercial cloud service offerings.


Get Ready for a More Efficient, Flexible FedRAMP

GSA's two-year road map presents a concrete plan for the future of FedRAMP.