Digital Government

VA Turns to IBM Watson to Improve Veteran Care

The pilot program could show how cognitive computing systems can distill complex data sets into useful information.


Tech Explosion Makes Cybercrooks Harder to Catch

Are crimes in the cyber realm the only time it's OK to blame the victim?

Digital Government

Why Even the Best Hackers Could Soon be Outsmarted by Machines

Since Gary Kasparov’s defeat by IBM’s Deep Blue 17 years ago, humans have essentially been playing chess for second place.


First Intelligence Agency to Host App in Amazon Cloud

The move of the Map of the World application to the C2S environment signals the IC’s intent to revolutionize how it manages IT.


Pentagon Watchdog: DOD Stumbles in Cloud Computing Plan

An inspector general found Pentagon policymakers did not fully execute numerous elements of the strategy.

Emerging Tech

Intelligence Agency Wants an Even More Super Supercomputer

IARPA hopes funding will lead to a new generation of energy-efficient superconducting supercomputers that far exceed the capabilities of current supercomputers.


Here’s What the Rewrite of DOD’s Cloud Strategy Will Look Like

An update to the Defense Department’s cloud computing strategy aims to decentralize the process for purchasing commercial cloud solutions

Digital Government

Will Veterans' Data Ever Truly Be Secure?

"Every day, industry is finding new ways that things can be exploited," VA CIO told Congress.


Watchdog: VA Still Not Doing Enough to Address IT Vulnerabilities

VA information security weaknesses are again in the crosshairs of the House Veterans Affairs Committee.


More Cloud Data Breaches ‘Inevitable’ in 2015, Forrester Says

The findings should raise eyebrows particularly for government customers, who put a premium on protecting sensitive information.


NSA Turns to the Cloud to Help Manage Data Deluge

In 2010, NSA decided to pursue cloud as a “common space” where analysts could look across the agency’s entire river of collected information.


Amazon's Cloud Chief: Government Data Centers Will Be a Thing of the Past

Think of it as government service by the gigabyte, with cloud replacing today's federal data centers.


Of Asteroids and ETs: How Cloud Innovation is Driving Space Exploration

In just a few years, cloud computing could help aid the search for extraterrestrial life.


Verizon Latest to Achieve FedRAMP Compliance

ATO legitimizes ECFE as government worthy and makes its cloud services easier to adopt.

Emerging Tech

Government’s Sustainability Efforts Present ‘Big Data Opportunity’

A combination of recent federal policies and emerging technologies have the potential to significantly curb agencies’ energy spending.

Emerging Tech

Why This Tech Historian Thinks Robots are the Key to Human Innovation

Federal researchers and policy-makers need to team up not only with each other but also with machine counterparts.


GSA’s Green Proving Grounds Wants Government to be on the Greening Edge

The next smart light bulb or building design could wind up in the Green Proving Grounds program first.