
Should risky employees be allowed to hang around?

A reader takes issue with the notion that terminated government employees need to be ushered out the door quickly.


Survey pinpoints data-storage concerns

Data security and downtime are two of the major worries for IT decision makers.


Moving to the cloud? Learn from CBP's mistakes

CTO Wolf Tombe's four years of early-adopter experience provides a host of hard-learned lessons.


What feds can learn from Coca-Cola's data breach

The beverage giant's breach, which involved a former employee stealing laptops with unencrypted data, is a teachable moment for federal agencies.


Highlighting some lessons learned by federal cloud users

Migration to the cloud yields real benefits, but only when thought through and managed properly, say federal IT leaders who have made the move.


Cryptography experts sign open letter against NSA surveillance

President has still not addressed compromised security standards, cryptographers warn.

Digital Government

Latest breach at VA has Congress asking more questions

Agency officials blame a "software defect," but oversight committee demands more specifics.


What happens after the FedRAMP deadline?

Non-compliant cloud providers could cause an oversight problem for the agencies they serve, but beyond that the repercussions remain in flux.


Report says telework could save $14B annually

Telework is underused by the federal government and could boost employee productivity, argues a new study.


NOAA satellites helped save 253 lives in 2013

The orbiting craft are part of a network that detects and locates distress signals from emergency beacons.


Initiative aims to find and fix federal inefficiencies

Legislation would create a Government Transformation Board empowered to impose its will on recalcitrant agencies.


Cloud offers a taste of Silicon Valley on the Potomac

DHS’s Keith Trippie says the cloud can boost government innovation while cutting up-front costs.


DISA piloting DOD cloud security model

DOD agencies are testing framework with controlled unclassified information.


New report details federal best practices in telework

The Mobile Work Exchange has released a guide to telework success, developed in conjunction with OPM.


Social Security seeks software for private cloud

SSA was an early cloud computing adopter and is one of the few non-intelligence agencies to put big data to use.

Digital Government

Getting in the big-data game

Government faces a multitude of challenges in using big data effectively -- including legal obstacles and cultural barriers -- but experts say the reward is worth the risk.


VA still dragging feet in answering congressional inquiries

Veterans Affairs has not fully responded to questions from Congress about data breaches dating back almost two years.

Digital Government

Report reveals feds’ mobile security gaps

Federal employees are much more likely to play fast and loose with mobile security than with a desktop computer, a new study says.


GAO: Agencies need to improve IT Dashboard data

Of 80 investments reviewed, 27 had ratings that were inconsistent with investment risk, according to the Government Accountability Office.


Data center closures continue apace -- or do they?

OMB is close to achieving its original target for FDCCI, but that goal was set before the actual number of data centers was revealed to be more than double the initial estimates.