
What to expect from GAO this year

The congressional watchdog's director of IT management issues previews the upcoming oversight agenda.

Digital Government

The Internet of Everything is worth trillions

New value of $14.4 trillion will be created in the private sector worldwide and $4.6 trillion in the public sector, according to an analysis from Cisco.


Elizabeth McGrath joins Deloitte

McGrath capped a 25-year Pentagon career when she retired in November after a stint as DoD’s first deputy chief management officer.

Digital Government

Government can borrow from private sector’s big-data playbook

Real-time systems offer a multitude of potential benefits for the civilian side of government, according to an executive at MemSQL.

Digital Government

Four things to watch in big data

Splunk's vice president of public sector business sees a surge in "non-traditional" big data users.


DOD's cautious path to the cloud

The Pentagon wants controls that go beyond FedRAMP, but critics claim DISA officials are dragging their feet.


NSA doesn’t deny spying on Congress

In response to a letter from a senator, the spy agency detailed its surveillance efforts without directly addressing whether it was collecting data on lawmakers.


OFPP administrator to leave

Joe Jordan will become president of public sector at FedBid.

Digital Government

Four instruments for next-gen weather satellite finished

The Solar Ultraviolet Imager is one of four space-weather instruments that will be aboard NOAA’S GOES-R satellite.


Sequestration, shutdown take a bite out of contractor revenue

Companies that don’t get in front of changed federal circumstances are “going to get left behind.”

Digital Government

NOAA to seek partnership to boost data sharing

The agency is looking to release a request for information next month to solicit feedback on how it can turn data it isn’t currently releasing into value-added products.


OPM telework report highlights government progress

Although the number of federal teleworkers has risen to 300,000, that's still less than one-third of those eligible to do so.


Keys to IT innovation are in the approach

“The way we buy IT is a lot like the way we used to buy tanks and aircraft carriers,” said DHS's Keith Trippie. And he didn’t mean it in a good way.


NSA talking Snowden, insider threats

The National Security Agency has began what in effect is a public relations tour to rebuild its reputation, including considering an amnesty deal for former contractor Edward Snowden.


VA still mum on IT security questions

When given the opportunity at a private briefing to respond to assessments and criticisms of the department's IT security posture, VA officials declined to comment.

Digital Government

COBOL still integral to government systems

If the hundreds of billions of lines of COBOL code ceased to function, stoplights would crash, ATM machines would fail and a whole host of other systems would fail.


Spires lands CEO post

The former DHS CIO will lead Resilient Network Systems, a San Francisco-based Internet software company.

Digital Government

Army, Navy using big data to increase energy savings

Analytics speed up the energy inventory process by telling an auditor what kinds of data to collect, and can compare multiple combinations of potential improvements.


Report: Sequester cuts worse the second time around

A new report from the Center for American Progress warns about the impact of the next round of sequester cuts on federal programs, including IT.


Obama wants agencies to push the Green Button

GSA, DOE and EPA are tasked with launching a pilot energy data exchange program at federal facilities within 120 days.