
Why data centers are hard to count

A reader suggests that the difficulty with data center consolidation is a matter of definition.

Digital Government

Infrastructure a hurdle for videoconferencing legislation

Agencies might have trouble cutting travel budgets as much as a new bill proposes, and videoconferencing -- the legislation's preferred solution -- brings its own set of challenges.


Friends, former colleagues praise Spires at event

The former DHS CIO, who left government service under strange circumstances, earned respect from peers during his tenure.


NASA's fall from the cloud frontier

One of the first agencies to make bold moves toward the cloud, NASA has lost its edge, IG reports.


VA still seeks cloud solutions after canceling contract

The Veterans Affairs Department killed a cloud-based email contract and does not plan to reissue it, but says it is still 'dedicated' to using cloud services.


Dickover leaves State for Institute of Peace

Noel Dickover, pioneer of e-Diplomacy efforts, has joined an organization devoted to non-violent conflict resolution.

Digital Government

VanRoekel: OMB has no role in approving energy-savings contracts

As lawmakers continue to try to make sense of a hold on an Energy Department project, the U.S. CIO's response at a hearing provokes more questions.


New NASA CIO embraces job's challenges

An audit of the agency's IT governance sets at least part of the agenda for Larry Sweet's tenure.


GSA slammed for setting a bad example

Lawmakers hone in on procurement agency during a hearing on data center consolidation and other IT programs.


House subcommittee troubled over data center updates

Lawmakers criticize agencies for underestimating by several thousand the number of data centers involved in a consolidation initiative.

Digital Government

Kepler space telescope overcomes latest challenge

With three of its four reaction wheels working, the scope can still be positioned with adequate precision, NASA says.


OMB underestimates data center numbers

Agencies taking part in the Federal Data Center Consolidation Initiative have more than twice as many data centers as OMB once thought. OMB says better tracking and a broader definition account for the discrepancy.


Did the State Department's William Lay deserve IG criticism?

Some FCW readers thought a recent IG report -- and our story -- went too far in blaming a current leader for long-standing problems.


Amazon files court complaint over CIA cloud deal

The cloud provider is challenging the corrective action that GAO recommended to the CIA after upholding a bid protest.


GSA tightens scrutiny on FedRAMP assessors

A new accreditation process will add rigor and depth to the analysis of an applicant's security standards, GSA promises.


FOIA Machine could add to agency workloads

A tool to make it easier for reporters to submit Freedom of Information Act requests has rapidly gained support, financial backing.


State Department IG highly critical of IT sub-bureau

Bureau of Information Resource Management, Office of Information Assurance performs only a 'limited number' of functions and lacks adequate management controls, audit concludes.

Digital Government

NASA Kepler repair begins

Scientists are undertaking a long-shot effort to fix a space telescope that has confirmed the existence of 134 planets outside of our solar system.

Digital Government

IG to audit Census' budget reductions

As the Census Bureau prepares for the next nationwide Census in 2020, its cost-cutting efforts will be under close watch.