
DOD systems block feds from reading about NSA leaks

Even when it has been widely published, classified information must still be treated as if it were secret.


Data center holdup: A question of funding?

A reader wonders whether the mysterious hold on a data-center consolidation project could be over who pays the bill.

Digital Government

DOE appeal: Breaking exaflop barrier will require more funding

As China takes the lead in the supercomputer race, the Energy Department asks for continued congressional support in its efforts to advance.


IRS needs better data center consolidation plan: IG

Agency is shuttering some data centers, but lacks clear metrics or management plan, audit finds.


VA terminates $36 million cloud deal with HP

Agency cites changing requirements and "convenience of the government" as the reason for canceling the enterprise e-mail contract.


AFCEA to honor Spires

The former DHS CIO, who resigned in May, will be honored later this month.


DOE data center deal still at impasse

Legislators seek answers as it becomes unclear whether OMB or the Energy Department itself is holding up the department's energy-saving contract.


Legislation would cut feds' travel expenses with videoconferencing

Congressman urges all of government to learn from certain agencies' recent success stories.


Intelligence Community seeks unified communications

The second phase of the Desktop Environment portion of the IC's Information Technology Enterprise strategy is soon to begin.


USDA outlines use case for tablets

A shift from paper to iPads speeds data-gathering and cuts costs, agency says.


Mobile productivity: Too much of a good thing?

Feds are using mobile devices more than ever, but is that necessarily a plus?

Digital Government

Snail mail offers no escape from monitoring

The USPS tracks mail for law enforcement, suggesting another massive database project for an agency already deep into supercomputer-powered analytics.


Space-based backup guards Weather Service systems

Because even the forecasters of the weather are vulnerable to it, the National Weather Service is escaping the atmosphere altogether.

Digital Government

Next-generation polar satellites pass key reviews

The Joint Polar Satellite System's first new satellite -- JPSS-1 -- is on budget and on schedule toward its 2017 launch.

Digital Government

USDA gets FedRAMP nod

The department joins several private-sector providers on the list of GSA-approved cloud offerings.


Senate committee wants answers on energy saving delays

Contracts based on energy savings could aid the optimization of data centers, but the OMB put a hold on the first such effort was to begin, raising senator's concerns.


Cureton's successor picked at NASA

Larry Sweet, NASA's new CIO, takes office as the agency is under IG pressure to improve its IT management.


New challenges face the new Presidential Innovation Fellows

A new group of private-sector leading lights has been assembled to try to outdo last year's class.


Snowden pardon petition reaches critical mass

Enough people have signed a 'We the People' petition demanding a pardon for the NSA leaker to elicit a White House responds.