
Julie Boughn: Parsing the IT budget puzzle

Few IT budgets are larger — or more important — than the one Julie Boughn helps oversee at the Department of Health and Human Services’ Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.


Energy-saving data center contract languishes under OMB hold

OMB put the brakes on a contract between the Energy Department and Lockheed Martin in March and has yet to explain its reasons, according to the affected parties.

Digital Government

Can big data really save billions?

A reader questions the dollar figures in a recent article about big data's potential benefits.


What Snowden's thumb-drive stash of NSA secrets means for feds

No matter how much security technology an agency has, the human factor is hard to predict.


Stacie Boyd: Bringing business rigor to NSF's IT

Stacie Boyd, branch chief for security, architecture, policy and plans at the NSF's Office of Information and Resource Management's Division of Information Systems, has 'risen at every job she's done,' says Dan Chenok.


EPA CIO heads for private sector

Malcolm Jackson, credited with leading EPA's move to to cloud-based email and centralized IT hardware procurement, is leaving government.

Digital Government

Can big data save the government $500 billion?

Big data has the potential to produce a smarter, more efficient government, survey suggests.

Digital Government

Who needs an Internet-connected fridge?

It's true that more and more devices can be connected to the Internet, but is there really a point? Frank Konkel has some thoughts.


Inside the IBM/Amazon protest

GAO's ruling in the protest of the CIA cloud services contract sheds light on how the agency conducted the procurement.


Dell launches cloud solution for feds

Hardware stalwart joins Amazon, CGI and others in federal cloud market.

Digital Government

USPS goes all-in on agile development

Three years after the first pilot, the Postal Service has delivered more than 50 projects using agile methodologies.


NSA shows how big 'big data' can be

Experts say the massive scale of metadata that the NSA is collecting represents a daunting challenge in finding useful information within it.

Digital Government

Intel showcases big data efforts

Technology firm's initiatives hint at efficiency gains available to agencies.


Petitioners rally around Guardian source

Edward Snowden has not yet been charged with a crime, but already a petition has hit the White House's 'We The People' site demanding a full pardon.

Digital Government

Weather satellite recovers for storm season

A geostationary satellite that had been shut down after getting hit by a meteor is back in action.


A big win for Big Blue

GAO has upheld IBM's protest of the cloud-services contract that the CIA had awarded to Amazon.


More firms get FedRAMP nod

Two major players in federal contracting join other providers in the ranks of the cloud-approved.


OPM: Telework plans should be part of disaster prep

Mobile Work Exchange advises: The time to discover your plans are inadequate is before you need them to work.


OMB charts a new course in data center program

With the consolidation initiative now part of PortfolioStat, officials are rethinking its objectives.