
Your refrigerator is safe from cyberattack ... for now

Targets for hackers already extend far beyond servers and critical infrastructure. As more and more devices become network-connected, the vulnerabilities will only increase.


Werfel selects senior leaders at IRS

New team draws from Veterans Affairs, the Government Accountability Office and the IRS' own Large Business and International Division.


Few feds prepared to recover from data loss

A survey finds that a great deal of federal data is at risk in the event of a natural disaster or terrorist act.


Amazon CIA contract protested

GAO is set to rule soon on IBM's protest of Amazon's ground-breaking cloud services deal with the Central Intelligence Agency.


The cloud, simplified

Gartner futurist provides advice for agencies hoping to cut through the buzzwords.


Feds showcase successful moves to the cloud

Officials from DHS, Interior and the federal courts share case studies for those looking to get started.

Digital Government

NOAA resurrects backup weather satellite after GOES-13 failure

Faltering satellite provides imaging vital to short-term weather forecasts for the eastern United States and Atlantic Ocean.


RFP-EZ delivers early value

Administration says new online procurement tool brings cheaper bids, new vendors into the federal IT marketplace.


DHS seeks to upgrade ID management system

The department's goal is add facial, fingerprint and iris recognition capabilities to its smart-card system.


Defense cloud contract open to competition (again)

DOD's de facto cloud broker plans to cancel sole-source contract for unnamed intelligence agency and seek new proposals for private cloud.


NOAA readies a supercomputing boost for hurricane season

With 13 to 20 storms expected, the agency plans a significant improvement in modeling accuracy when new equipment comes online.

Digital Government

Feds make good on mobile deliverables

At the Digital Government Strategy's one-year anniversary, agencies get the promised guidelines for security and architecture.


Rep. Thompson wants better answers from DHS on Spires

Ranking member of House Homeland Security Committee tells Napolitano her department's response was both late and insufficient.

Digital Government

Kepler space telescope's mission may be over

While NASA engineers are still working on the problem that sidelined the scope, no solution is in sight.


Deputy federal CIO outlines future priorities

Security, procurement and management initiatives top the Obama administration's goals for federal IT.


Amazon gets FedRAMP certification

Commercial cloud giant is the third provider approved to sell secure cloud products and services.

Digital Government

Boston Marathon shows good and bad of info sharing

The response to the bombings at the Boston Marathon put agency collaboration ambitions to the test.


Virtual training saving the Navy time, money

The Naval Safety & Environmental Training Center provides training to some 10,000 Navy personnel and government civilians around the world each year.

Digital Government

NASA's Kepler telescope in trouble

Although the Kepler space telescope already past its expected lifespan, NASA is trying to keep it alive and on its planet-finding mission.

Digital Government

Can less money lead to more creativity?

Some agencies are finding that tightening budgets are leading to smarter IT choices and inspirations.