
Air Force to set data warehouse policy

Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. John Jumper will issue a policy with guidelines and a deadline to start distributing information into the service's data warehouse.


GAO highlights Pentagon shortcomings

The Defense Department accounts for eight of 30 programs cited by Congressional auditors as susceptible to waste, fraud and mismanagement.


OMB ponders Air Force's Microsoft setup

Karen Evans is thinking about using the Air Force's Microsoft configuration governmentwide.


Inscom picks services' vendors

The Army's Intelligence and Security Command chose four companies to compete for $209 million in task orders for support services.

Digital Government


Computer defense redux. DIA's computer girdle. JTRS jitters. No phoning home.


Army extends NT support

It was supposed to end last year, but the service has stretched it for 180 days.


Army buys more bomb jammers

Army officials awarded a $56.1 million contract for 1,440 devices to detect roadside bombs.


Pentagon picks '05 projects

The Defense Department's top acquisition official announced last week he chose 15 technologies that DOD will rush to field this year.


Armored vehicles to get rugged systems

DRS Technologies will receive almost $36 million for 3,600 FBCB2 systems for Army and Marine vehicles.


Military eyes new technology

Nine of 61 trials during last year's Joint Warrior Interoperability Demonstration yielded promising results, officials say.


Enough with convention already

A look at seven individuals for whom the unconventional is second nature

Digital Government


CIO overhaul, JNN fill up, NSPS guinea pigs, data heaven, budget trial balloon.


Fort Hood gets spyware

The Army base will use Intrusion's SpySnare and SecureNet products.


Army solicits network ideas

The service seeks network architecture and strategy.


Army buys more network gear

Joint Network Node to support IP-based voice, video and data communications.


Air Force picks four environmental vendors

Vendors will share work under the $850 million Global Engineering, Integration and Technical Assistance program.


Army focuses on cyber protection

Army white paper emphasizes cybersecurity and the need to provide secure network communications to support modern military operations.


Air Force wants net-centric projects

Officials want to focus on prototypes, empirical research, test beds and proof-of-concept demonstrations in four areas.


Army turns to e-forms

An industry team received a contract to automate the Army's paper-based transactions.


Military taps NSA for security help

The National Security Agency will develop the Defense Department's information assurance policy