
No New Networx Extension

In response to a <a href="">confusing report</a> published this week, I would like to take a moment and pass on a clarification I just received from GSA regarding the deadline for agencies to transition to the Networx telecommunications contract.

Digital Government

IG reports detail abuses in hiring, travel, bonuses at VA technology office

Allegations revolve around "inappropriate personal relationship" between former CIO and another agency official.


McClure to Lead Office of Citizen Services

GSA just confirmed that they will be naming David McClure will be named an associate administrator, heading up the Office of Citizen Services and Communications. OCS manages all of GSA's public outreach efforts, including the federal web portal <a href=></a> and the Federal Web Manager's Council.


Longtime IT analyst and investigator to lead GSA citizen services unit

David McClure will be heavily involved in implementing the Obama administration's transparency initiatives.


End-of-year IT spending expected to increase more than in past years

After delaying spending to work on the presidential transition and stimulus package programs, agencies are expected to upgrade hardware and bolster defense and security programs.

Digital Government

Complexity of Networx offerings causes delays

Agencies are unexpectedly splitting requirements into different categories, resulting in multiple competitions.


The Facts On Kundra's College Records

I'm hesitant to address this topic, since I don't really want to draw additional attention to an erroneous report. But this <a href="">piece</a> from <em>PC Magazine</em> columnist John Dvorak on his blog Dvorak Uncensored has been creating enough buzz this morning that I felt it necessary to clear up a few points Dvorak raises.

Digital Government

GSA's new chief acquisition officer to wear multiple hats

Some IT industry executives question Michael Robertson's lack of procurement experience, but agency officials say he was hired to be an innovator.


Agencies likely to miss deadline to transition to Networx telecom pact

Oversight could cost millions of dollars and congressional disdain as GSA is forced to develop sole-source bridge contracts for the old telecommunications contract.


GSA Issues RFQ for Cloud Services

A <a href="">special notice</a> posted by the General Services Administration on FedBizOps contains the first set of requirements for vendors interested in offering cloud computing services through GSA's <a href="">online cloud storefront</a>.


GSA lays groundwork for online cloud computing store

Notice outlines the first set of requirements for vendors interested in offering software as a service.

Digital Government

OMB asks agencies to focus on science and technology in 2011

New guidance seen as a way to support the White House policy to increase funding in research and reverse the Bush administration's cuts in spending on science.


Hathaway Resigns from White House

The <em>Wall Street Journal</em> <a href="">reported</a> this afternoon that acting cybersecurity czar Melissa Hathaway has resigned from her post for personal reasons.

Digital Government



Digital Government

GAO: Information technology weaknesses threaten HUD's mission

Report blasts IT management, calls for more investment oversight and better human capital planning.


Federal IT spending to increase modestly thanks to cloud computing

Research firm predicts government will increase its technology budget 3.3 percent a year for five years, with cloud computing exploding at a 27 percent annual rate.


A Lesson from Al Gore to Obama?

Regardless of your party affiliation, it's hard to deny that President Obama has raised the profile of information technology and cybersecurity issues significantly since taking office. Along with appointing the nation's first chief information and chief technology officers, Obama has personally delivered a <a href="">major speech</a> on cybersecurity and promised to deliver unprecedented transparency via the publishing of government data online.

Digital Government

OMB directs agencies to improve contractor performance reporting

Federal agencies will be required to submit data on contractor performance to centralized database and the administration will monitor compliance.


NIH Gets Schooled on Wikipedia

Wikipedia is the Web's most prominent source of information, but because of its crowd-sourcing model, it's not always the most credible. That's pretty much the opposite of federal Web sites, which are generally considered among the most <a href="">trusted</a> <a href="">sources</a> of information on the Web, if not the best known.

Digital Government

GAO: Weaknesses threaten Electronic Records Archive program

Audit shows NARA lacks a detailed strategy for fiscal 2009 expenditures and a backup plan for a system failure.