
Howell Addresses Interior Lawsuit

Today at <a href="">AFFIRM's</a> annual leadership awards luncheon, OMB deputy administrator for E-Government and information technology Mike Howell, formerly CIO at the Interior Department, was awarded with organization's top prize for executive leadership in federal information resources management. Following the award Howell made some brief remarks about leadership and then addressed a controversial topic.


Homeland Security 2.0

The Homeland Security Department sent out a <a href="">release</a> this afternoon announcing the redesign of <a href=""></a> and the launch of an official DHS <a href="">YouTube channel</a>:

Digital Government

Lawmaker to introduce bill to require biometric verification of workers

Sen. Charles Schumer says the E-Verify system is easily fooled and must include a requirement to check job applicants' fingerprints or photos.


GSA inks deal to provide advanced cybersecurity tools

Blanket purchase agreement will allow agencies to buy software at a discount.


GSA to launch online storefront for cloud computing services

Site will be modeled after commercial online businesses such as to speed IT purchases, federal CIO Vivek Kundra says.


Hold on Groves Explained

After weeks of speculation, Sen. David Vitter, R-La., has finally revealed his reasons for placing a hold on the nomination of Robert Groves to be Census Bureau Director. Vitter was one of the only votes against a procedural motion yesterday that resulted in a voice vote on Groves' nomination, <a href="">which was confirmed</a>.

Digital Government

Senate approves E-Verify expansion

Amendment to Homeland Security spending bill allows employers to use electronic verification system for existing employees as well as new hires.


Update: Groves Confirmed By Senate

A press assistant with Harry Reid just confirmed to me that the Senate will vote on the nomination of Robert Groves to be Census Director at 5:30 p.m. today after Reid <a href="">filed a motion for cloture</a> on Friday.


Federal IT Dashboard: The Blog

Looks like the White House has decided to capitalize on the popularity of the newly-launched <a href="">IT Dashboard</a>. Federal CIO Vivek Kundra today published the first entry on the site's new <a href="">blog</a>:

Digital Government

Maryland firm wins contract to revamp

The General Services Administration awarded Smartronix of Hollywood, Md., an $18 million deal to help government better track stimulus funds.


GAO Tweets and Tubes

There are few agencies that we reporters pay closer attention to than the Government Accountability Office. As the investigative arm of the legislative branch, GAO auditors are responsible for uncovering many of the largest cases of fraud or waste in the federal government. Almost everything they publish is of interest to someone out there, which is why we are thrilled to see they are making efforts to expand their audience by joining the Government 2.0 movement.


Palin: The Medium's the Message

Since announcing her stunning decision to resign as governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin has been missing from the public spotlight as the country debates what prompted the move. In response to rampant speculation about possible criminal charges or scandal, Palin posted a <a href="">rambling message to her Facebook account</a> on Friday attempting to explain her actions:


Agencies seek cloud computing services on Networx

More federal agencies want the greater security and sophisticated technology the huge telecom program provides.

Digital Government

Plucking IT Talent



OMB's IT Dashboard is Live

As promised, federal CIO Vivek Kundra unveiled OMB's dashboard application for monitoring federal IT projects this morning at the Personal Democracy Forum Conference in New York City.

Digital Government

No easy solutions for federal IT, VA's CIO says

A legacy infrastructure will delay government's adoption of Web 2.0 technologies and make it harder to secure federal networks, says Roger Baker.

Digital Government

Advisory panel recommends GSA ax price reduction clause

Group studying Federal Supply Schedules program says vendors should not be obligated to offer government lowest prices.

Digital Government

Governmentwide contracts program will remain intact

GSA official says he was making a long-term projection when he told conference participants the agency would merge GWACs with its schedules program.


Checking Citizenship Online

During his remarks this afternoon following a meeting with congressional leaders to discuss immigration, President Obama announced a new initiative that will allow applicants for U.S. citizenship to check their application status online:

Digital Government

Defense bill calls for test of telework offices for classified work

Current sites are not equipped with the proper physical and cybersecurity requirements needed for employees who work on Top Secret programs.