
Army logistics system is getting results

The Army’s Logistics Modernization Program has taken a lot of heat of late, but Col. David Coker, program manager for Army Logistics Information Systems, is taking a proactive approach to remedy that situation.


DOD’s BEA doesn’t rock the boat

Officials try to temper the complexities of implementation.


Living life on the list

Agencies see OMB watch lists as another tool to improve IT projects.


Doan’s back-to-basics plan for GSA

Cutting GWAC proliferation, cleaning up agency’s bottom line are among the top priorities.


Negotiations renew hope for e-gov

OMB makes headway in convincing appropriations staff of programs’ benefits.


House gives urgency to IT security

Along with OMB guidance, agencies under pressure to do more.


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Google Earth gives flight control a new dimension

Much of the U.S. Forest Service's Automated Flight Following pizzazz comes from Google Earth Pro client software.


Stamp of approvals

The Agriculture Department's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service expedites permit approval process while adding security and accountability.


CRC benefits from nimble organization

A crucial factor in the success of the IT division of the Combat Readiness Center has been structuring it so that the best ideas don’t die on the vine of the bureaucracy.<@SM>


Tom Hughes | A model for security

Under CIO Tom Hughes, the Social Security Administration has attained top grades in IT security. The agency also earned the highest rankings in e-government, human capital, financial management, and performance integration on the President’s Management Agenda.


Program pays off (without interest)

The Interior Department’s GovPay program has hit all the e-government marks promoted by the Office of Management and Budget, reducing costs, improving performance and—most important—letting agency workers focus on their mission.<@SM>


System starts with authentication

Putting a permit application process online opens a cornucopia of possibilities: increasing speed, accuracy and cost-effectiveness, and adding services. But "security has to come first," according to Allison Young.


Engineering a safety net

The Army's Combat Readiness Center provides ways for soldiers to reduce risky behavior.


Is a targeted Web site a good thing?

As Web analytics tools give agencies a more precise picture of who is visiting their sites, it’s natural they should want to tailor their portals to better meet users’ needs.


Services hit home

A Web-based client information management system run by Pennsylvania’s Office of Mental Retardation is improving the quality of life for Pennsylvanians with mental retardation.<@SM>


SSA takes claims appeals online, too

Not only has the Social Security Administration digitized the process of filing for disability benefits, the agency also conducts disability appeals hearings online.


Project leader gets firsthand experience

Using the same products and technology solutions an organization sells to others is the only way to get a good idea of how well they work—a sentiment shared by Lt. Col. Robert Aarhus, the program manager for the TRICARE Ecounter Data Project.


Inside the federal teller’s cage

Planning and implementing the Call Report Modernization Project required bank regulatory agencies and their contractor to go far ahead in technology and deep into changing their business processes.


True to form

HUD system verifies tenants’ reported income, frees up space for low-income families.