
Navy halts Web site and portal investments

Before the Navy brings its IT infrastructure into the Defense Knowledge Online portal, service officials have to get a better handle on Navy Web site and portal investments.<@SM>


Kathleen Kummer | Another View: FEA Records Management—meeting the challenge without total upheaval

Agencies can meet the new Federal Enterprise Architecture Records Management Profile requirements by establishing a central repository that manages the records management rules for content from multiple systems.


San Francisco re-ups SAIC unit for travel info. system

The city of San Francisco has awarded a four-year, $11 million contract to Science Applications International Corp. to continue development, operations and maintenance of the Bay Area 511 Regional Transit Information System.<@SM>


GCN Awards Gala honors the people behind the projects

At last night’s GCN Awards Gala, hundreds of women milled about the Washington Hilton ballroom dressed in flowing chiffon gowns, diamonds and strappy high heels. Brig. Gen. Susan S. Lawrence, attending the event via live feed from Qatar, was wearing desert camouflage. She was the best-dressed woman in the room.<br><a href=""><u>2006 GCN Gala photo gallery</u></a>


Visionaries and leaders get their due

The GCN Awards Gala honored 10 agency projects that demonstrated innovation and excellence, as well as this year’s government and industry executives of the year, and Hall of Fame inductees. Below are some comments from the evening’s individual honorees.<br><a href=""><u>2006 GCN Gala photo gallery</u></a>


'Con Air' upgrades safety, security

The U.S. Marshals Service has agreed to implement a series of security improvements recommended by the Justice Department’s inspector general for the Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System (JPATS).<@SM>


IRS' integrated strategy for IT modernization

The IRS will implement its Business Systems Modernization in smaller increments and in a more unified strategy, according to agency CIO Richard Spires.


NASCIO salutes innovative state IT projects

The National Association of State Chief Information Officers has announced its 2006 Recognition Awards for outstanding achievement in information technology in state government.


It’s not all about turning green

Despite Hill push-back, White House claims PMA progress.


Federal managers look for where LOBs intersect

OMB poised to name new grants service providers.


IT business cases going online

By mid-February 2007, agencies will have to post all of their Office of Management and Budget-approved business cases on the World Wide Web.<@SM>


Election could affect IT programs



E-voting faces a test at the polls

NIST works on standards as debate continues over systems’ reliability.


Gary Danoff | Another View: The future is now

Fast forward 10 years: Imagine CIOs “buying” agency service-level agreements from the prevalent IT utility of the day—the Federal IT Grid.


Bush drums up support for PMA

President George W. Bush gave a pep talk to the President’s Management Council, reminding deputy secretaries of how far they have come and how far they still need to go.


GSA flips FAS sign to 'open'

The Federal Acquisition Service is officially open for business.


Data held by feds, vendors at risk

Federal contractors that agencies rely on for IT management services are responsible for many of the data breaches that agencies reported to the House Government Reform Committee


SBA, OMB launch restocked, revamped

Officials from the White House and Small Business Administration formally unveiled a revamped Web site that provides small businesses with a compendium of federal regulations information.


OFPP, acquisition chiefs to study e-procurement

The federal government again will review the advantages and disadvantages of online procurement services.<@SM>


White House fact sheet tries to address PMA criticisms

The White House is trying to answer critics of the President’s Management Agenda by dispelling some “myths” in a fact sheet.