
Neal Fox | Contracting in Perspective: Will GSA Eat SEWP?

So GSA wants to absorb NASA’s SEWP GWAC contract vehicle. Would this enhance governmentwide procurement, and has anyone asked SEWP’s customers? I doubt it.


With Dems in charge, observers expect labor issues to take center stage

<font color="CC0000">(UPDATED) </font color> President Bush’s competitive-sourcing initiative could be under heavy scrutiny now that the Democrats have taken over at least one house of Congress.


Under new Congress, IT issues seamless in Senate, unclear in House

Federal IT issues will receive closer scrutiny under the new leadership in Congress, but it is unclear whether the White House’s e-government initiative will sink or swim.


Analytics capture mortgage fraud trends

Treasury's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network conducted an assessment of trends and patterns of suspected mortgage loan fraud that may be useful to law enforcement, regulators and financial institutions.<@SM><@SM>


DTS officials look down road

DOD, disputing GAO, says savings will come with increased use of travel system.


Good call



Data repository could cut federal medical costs

Federal, state agencies hope analytics boost health care quality, squash fraud.


Case closed

Government is where people work together toward common goals. But too often, interagency rivalry and lack of communication thwart cooperation, leading to inefficient, stovepiped systems. That’s the situation Keith Fournier stepped into when he became CIO for Lucas County, Ohio.


Va. DMV excavates backlog

New document imaging system improves efficiency, access.


William Jackson | Cybereye: Campaign now for better voting methods

When it comes to electronic voting, we should come to an understanding of what the security issues really are, determine an acceptable level of risk for all voting systems, and then find ways to solve, mitigate or work around the problems.


Still no agreement on enrollment stations

‘Imminent’ GSA-NBC deal has been discussed for months, but multiple vendors, other issues keep accord talks going.<@SM>


With two years left, OMB's e-gov goals get clearer

The Office of Management and Budget’s administrator for e-government and IT is out to shut down systems that duplicate the 25 e-government and nine Lines of Business initiatives, and achieve cost savings and efficiency.


Interior's ERP project in a bind

Inadequate systems, pending lawsuit could hinder modernization project.


CMS gives states better look at health care data

The Centers for Medicaid and Medicare is helping state and local agencies use analytic software to improve the quality of health care data and to prevent fraud and abuse. The results—on a small scale so far—have been positive.<@SM>


DHS agency launches new portal

The Homeland Security Department’s Citizenship and Immigration Services has launched a new portal to help provide services to aspiring naturalized citizens and persons dealing with refugee, permanent residence and other immigration benefit processes.<@SM>


IRS waits on Congress to decide tax return move to modern platform

The IRS hopes to move 1040 individual tax returns that are electronically filed to its Modernized e-File platform in 2009, but it depends on the budget that Congress approves.<@SM>


CMS awards potential $9b contract

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services awarded a contract worth as much as $9 billion to six vendors for contact-center operations for general Medicare and claims inquiries among all CMS communications channels.<@SM>


HUD seeks modernized financial-management system

The Housing and Urban Development Department seeks proposals to modernize its accounting and financial-management functions by moving its core legacy systems to the PeopleSoft suite of financial-management applications to create an integrated system.


New skills demanded in networked government

Government managers will need new skills and the ability to collaborate in order to move ahead in an age of networked governance, a senior GSA executive warned Monday.


David Warner | Next-generation command and control

Air Force Brig. Gen. David Warner has an answer for the 90-plus legacy interfaces that currently tie into the joint battlefield C2 system under his control: service-oriented architecture.