
White House changes its site for the better

Responding to widespread criticism that it had a mediocre Web site, the White House relaunched <a href=""></a> just before the Labor Day weekend.<@SM>


NIST scraps 220 of its paper forms

The National Institute of Standards and Technology this month did away with shuttling paper forms and folders from office to office.


White House puts new face on its Web site

Responding to widespread criticism that it had a mediocre Web site, the White House relaunched <i></i> just before the Labor Day weekend.


IRS will offer online payment for individuals

The IRS plans to go live tomorrow with a Web payment system for taxpayers who use Form 1040 or file quarterly. The service has offered online filing for several years but not online payment.


NOAA tags SER Solutions for data conversion

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is looking to a Herndon, Va., company to help it create the world’s largest digital archive of climate data at the National Climatic Data Center.


Navy, Defense reach agreement on NMCI testing

The Defense Department has reached an agreement with the Navy on the testing required to free up funding for the Navy-Marine Corps Intranet, Navy officials announced today.


OMB: Impetus is on agencies to fund e-gov efforts

Facing a budget surplus of $158 billion for fiscal 2001, the Bush administration plans to dole out some funds for electronic-government programs.


Adobe adds forms signer to Acrobat 5.0

Agencies that already use Adobe Portable Document Format can add digital signature capability for $39 per seat, Adobe Systems Inc. announced today.


Treasury sets sights on smart-card, PKI use

The Treasury Department is reviewing strategies for using smart-card and public-key infrastructure technologies for electronic-commerce and e-government efforts.


Federal courts consider putting cases on the Web

A committee of federal judges this month recommended that most federal court case files be available online to the same extent they are in courthouses, with some restrictions.


White House to relaunch site

The White House Web site, launched with great hoopla in 1994, underwent a dramatic makeover this year when President Bush took office. Now, a second relaunch is imminent.


Copyright Office modernizes its search system

The Copyright Office this week replaced its old Telnet search system with Web-based searching for copyright information about books, music recordings, movies, software and other works.


Landlord GSA posts information on federal properties for sale and lease

The General Services Administration, the nation’s largest landlord, has established an online database of 8,000 government-owned or <@SM>-leased properties.


N.C. selling surplus through the Web

North Carolina’s Surplus Property Agency has turned to online auction Web sites run by eBay Inc. of San Jose, Calif., and Yahoo Inc. of Sunnyvale, Calif., to sell state surplus as well as items seized in criminal cases. The state is piloting Web auctions to see which service works best.


CIO Council will fund eight e-gov portal projects

The Chief Information Officers Council this month announced that its electronic-government committee has approved $1.2 million to fund eight cross-agency Web portals.<@SM>


Who’s owner of FirstGov database? Not Uncle Sam

Millionaire philanthropist Eric Brewer owns the FirstGov database of federal Web sites—and in 2003, he’ll take it back.

People rings up its first $1b

In less than a year of operating its portal, the Treasury Department’s Financial Management Service has collected $1 billion in fees, fines, leases, taxes and other electronic payments from citizens and businesses thorough the portal.<@SM>


USDA puts research on menu

The Agriculture Department last month launched a new Web site to provide information about food safety research.<@SM>


U.S. courts may put more case records online

A committee of federal judges this week recommended posting most federal court case files online, with some restrictions.


Few feds delinquent with SmartPay cards, report says

Despite recent charges of misuse of Defense Department credit cards, almost all employees who hold them have been paying their bills on time.