
Hill studies spending database

Few technical experts doubt the feasibility of establishing a central, searchable database that can track all types of federal spending. But whether such an idea is politically feasible is something else entirely.


Spending database bill clears first hurdle

A key Senate committee approved legislation requiring the Office of Management and Budget to develop and maintain a massive database to track all kinds of federal spending.<@SM>


Metastorm BPM upgrade

Metastorm Inc. released Metastorm BPM 7, the latest version of its business process management suite.


Special Report | NIST’s goal: Keep digital evidence fresh

Scientists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology are known for sweating the nitty-gritty details of dull but vital standards for everything from bulletproof vests to medical measurement devices and IT encryption. And now, agency experts are bringing the same precision to computer forensics, fully aware that the final say lies in the notoriously low-tech realm of the judicial system.


Malcolm Fry | Enterprise architecture, European style

While U.S. federal agencies scurry to get their enterprise architectures in line, their British counterparts have been deploying another framework altogether for managing IT—the IT Infrastructure Library.<@SM>


Online extra | Delay in e-gov funding puts some projects in a bind

Four of five federal agencies received approval from the House and Senate Appropriations committees to transfer funds to the managing partners of E-Government projects on June 30—the last day of the third quarter of the federal fiscal year. This was three months earlier than approval was granted last year, but it still put agencies in a bind.


E-government at funding crossroads

Congressional appropriators have applied spending restrictions that would leave the 25 government-wide projects and Lines of Business initiatives struggling to move forward. Committee staff people on the Hill insist Congress doesn’t have anything against e-government, but that agencies’ failure to explain the value of the projects has caused lawmakers to balk at funding the cross-agency systems.


USPS gets a lift

When the Postal Service launched an initiative to better maintain safety records for its industrial vehicles, the goal was modest—reduce the agency’s reporting burden. Well over a year later, though, the Powered Industrial Vehicle Management System has produced a significant number of benefits, not only automating the reporting process but improving safety and helping USPS better manage its industrial fleet.


OMB sets one-hour data breach rule

With the deluge of recent data breaches, the Office of Management and Budget is pushing agencies toward stricter IT security accountability. Agencies now have a clear standard for reporting all incidents and a comprehensive definition of personally identifiable information.


Report: E-prescribing can reduce drug injuries

The use of electronic prescribing by physicians could avoid many of the 1.5 million annual preventable drug injuries, according to the Institute of Medicine.<@SM>


Is the financial LOB ready for prime time?

Depending on who you talk to, the Labor Department’s decision to tap the private sector for financial-management hosting services is a clear example either of what is right or wrong with the way the White House has pursued the Financial Management Line of Business initiative.<@SM>


Scam exploits Treasury e-payment system

The IRS is warning taxpayers about a new e-mail scam that uses the Treasury Department's Electronic Federal Tax Payment System as a hook to lure individuals into disclosing their personal information.<@SM><@SM><@SM>


CIOs crucial to financial-management performance

Chief financial officers are in agreeement that as agencies modernize their financial management systems, they must reach out to and collaborate with their CIO counterparts.<@SM>


From point A to Z—and back again

Today’s business process management software streamlines both human and system interactions.<@SM><@SM>


VHA takes its forms online

As a Vietnam veteran of the Army Nursing Corps, Mary Stout has seen her share of government forms and paperwork. In her current role as the Veterans Health Administration’s chief of forms, publications and records management, Stout has labored to move the agency from paper to electronic forms.


Federal PKI bridge gets private peer

The Federal Bridge Certification Authority in May recognized an aerospace industry bridge for validating digital certificates, enabling secure communications between government agencies and contractors that issue their own certificates.


Database spending bill could move quickly in the Senate

Legislation creating an online database to track all kinds of federal spending could be on the fast track in the Senate.<@SM>


GSA to seek smart card for Social Security

The General Services Administration will issue solicitations seeking smart-card services and devices next month on behalf of the Social Security Administration.<@SM>


Indiana re-ups NIC for e-gov portal work

Indiana will continue to receive e-government portal services from NIC Inc. through a four-year contract worth $18 million.<@SM>


OMB should sharpen IT project analyses: GAO

With 79 high-risk IT projects totaling about $2.2 billion in danger of running behind schedule or failing, congressional watchdogs say the Office of Management and Budget needs to sharpen the tools it uses to oversee and monitor agency IT spending.<@SM>