
GSA updates travel regs as E-Travel deadline nears

The General Services Administration has refined existing federal travel regulations as the deadline for agencies to implement an E-Travel system draws near.<@SM>


The test of e-gov: efficiency and effectiveness

Although the Office of Management and Budget has long touted savings as the chief benefit of e-government initiatives, some current and former government officials say the White House could be leaving out a critically important measure—effectiveness—in their efforts to gain congressional support.<@SM>


Financial LOB moves to standardize rules

Agencies will gain a clearer picture next month of how the administration wants them to standardize financial-management activities.<@SM>


FirstGov, USDA portals rank as top government sites

Web sites operated by the General Services Administration and the Agriculture Department topped a recent Brown University analysis.<@SM>


GPO puts content over form in FDSys

The Government Printing Office has no idea what its system to transform the way it preserves federal documents will look like. But then again, it might not matter right now: Chief Technology Officer Mike Wash has a clear vision of what the new content management system will do, how it will work and the benefits it will bring.


Security LOB wakes up from hibernation

Of the $5.5 billion agencies plan to spend on IT security this year, almost $1.4 billion is slated for training and reporting. But by standardizing how agencies conduct training and reporting, Office of Management and Budget officials believe a good chunk of that money could be reprogrammed for other mission-critical systems.


OMB taps Ciafardini for E-gov position

The Office of Management and Budget has named former State Department official Andrew Ciafardini as its point man for improving the public’s access to and knowledge of e-government initiatives.<@SM>


Financial Management LOB set for major milestones

The General Services Administration expects to deliver initial versions of data standardization and business process transformation next month as part of the Financial Management Line of Business.<@SM><@SM>


OMB to agencies: Measure IT costs, savings from e-gov

With the pressure mounting from Capitol Hill to prove how much money e-government is saving agencies, the Office of Management and Budget yesterday directed agencies to begin measuring those reduced costs.<@SM>


O’Keefe to lead OPM's Retirement Systems Modernization

Thomas O’Keefe, a former FAA executive and an expert on performance tracking, will lead the Retirement Systems Modernization program, the Office of Personnel Management announced today.<@SM>


Treasury awards SunGard accouting contract

The Treasury Department awarded a $13 million contract to SunGard Investment Systems Inc. to provide investment accounting software and support services for the Office of Public Debt Accounting.


Advisory group calls for standardized e-medical records

A federally chartered IT advisory group approved a recommendation on Aug. 1 to request that the federal government identify and prioritize by October the key data elements to be used in a medical electronic record available to first responders.


New security requirements proposed for NASA acquisitions

NASA has issued a proposed amendment to existing acquisition rules for the space agency that would address increasing numbers of cyberthreats and facilitate compliance with the Federal Information Security Management Act.


Education, HUD get back to green in e-gov on OMB scorecard

The Education and Housing and Urban Development departments raised their e-government scores on the President’s Management Agenda scorecard to green, making up for downgrades last quarter

People needs to streamline, simplify: GAO

The high-profile Web portal project still lacks standardization and is inefficiently run, according to a new Government Accountability Office report.


VA drops Peaches 3 plan for governmentwide vehicle

The Veterans Affairs Department has dropped plans for its next-generation departmentwide contract to purchase hardware and software and instead will use NASA’s Scientific and Engineering Workstation Procurement contract vehicle.


OMB updates financial-reporting guidance

The Office of Management and Budget has updated guidance for governmentwide financial reporting required under OMB Circular A-136.


Defense BTA battles governance and culture

Thomas Modly, deputy undersecretary of Defense for financial management, surprised his audience at a recent conference when he claimed that intolerance is a desirable attribute for achieving business transformation.


Report: DHS contracting lacks accountability, controls

Reps. Tom Davis (R-Va.) and Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) released a report detailing contract mismanagement that included awarding too many sole-source contracts, having too few qualified contracting personnel, and constant cost, schedule and performance shortfalls. <@SM>


Senate bill backs OPM modernization

Senate lawmakers restored funding for a major retirement systems upgrade that the House zeroed out.