
Beat the clock

The mounting pressure the IRS faces to modernize how corporations, nonprofits and, eventually, individuals file tax returns isn’t coming from Congress or from impatient taxpayers.


Local channels

Every emergency or disaster, whether natural or man-made, is different in how much, if any, warning it gives, how hard it hits and the destruction it leaves in its path.


OMB to add internal controls requirements to PMA scorecard

The Office of Management and Budget will add implementation of milestones for tighter internal controls to federal agencies’ ratings for the President’s Management Agenda scorecard during fiscal 2006. <@SM>


Interior ousts BearingPoint from major integration job

The Interior Department has removed systems integrator BearingPoint Inc. of McLean, Va., from the Financial and Business Modernization System project to install a new enterprise resource planning system, the department said.


OMB requires agencies to detail paperwork reduction goals

Agencies not meeting paperwork reduction goals will have to electronically file information with the Office of Management and Budget about how they are complying with burden reduction laws.


USPS to rely on career employees, not contractors, for IT services

Career employees, not government contractors, will perform the bulk of the U.S. Postal Service’s IT management, according to the agency’s new strategic blueprint.


Service-oriented components advance transformation

The government’s vision for IT architecture that focuses more on citizen services than agency functions will become slightly clearer next week with the release of two new descriptive service components, said Dick Burk, the government’s chief architect.


IRS seeks business rules management system

The agency has issued a request for proposals to acquire software, maintenance, and technical support and training to implement a business rules management environment as part of its systems modernization.


HHS proposes HIPAA standards for e-health claims attachments

The Health and Human Services Department is proposing the adoption of standards for certain attachments to electronic health care claims under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.


GSA awards Preferred analysis contract to KPMG

The General Services Administration awarded KPMG an analysis contract to gauge how the agency’s Preferred program is working.


A few agencies can measure improvements

Despite having an abundance of performance measures to determine effectiveness, agency managers generally do not use them to inform their decisions any more than they did several years ago.


Census maps its 2010 population count

The Census Bureau is finding that the best way to get employees to buy into an enterprise architecture is to let them participate in developing it.<@SM>

People to expand capabilities with new contract

<font color="CC0000"><b>(UPDATED)</b></font color> The General Services Administration expects an expanded search function on the Web site to improve access to and the efficiency of the portal.


Federal XML group updates guidelines

Three years is a long time in the field of information management.


Administration aims to get HR, financial centers on track

The Office of Personnel Management and the Office of Management and Budget expect by the end of the year to answer some of the biggest questions surrounding the Lines of Business Consolidation initiatives.


Former Defense official recommends combining reforms with the QDR

A former Defense comptroller told the House Armed Services Committee that the DOD should focus on infrastructure modernization, acquisition and financial management reform in its upcoming Quadrennial Defense Review.


DOD is out to sell Congress on its business architecture

The Defense Department plans to give Congress evidence, rather than just promises, that it is improving its business systems.


Next, agencies must sell non-IT managers on the benefits of EA

Agency IT officials say they are beginning to find value in using enterprise architecture to reduce the number of processes, which they expect will ultimately save them money.


Records management, geospatial profiles on deck for the next inning of the FEA

Agency officials worried about records management are about to get some help from the Federal Enterprise Artchitecture.


Federal sites still need improvement

Customer satisfaction with government Web sites increased once again last quarter, although there is still need for improvement, according to the American Customer Satisfaction Index.