
Bureau of Labor Statistics and Treasury offer agencies tools to test-drive their Web sites

It pays to find out how easy government data is easy to retrieve from a Web site, says a research psychologist whose job is making Bureau of Labor Statistics sites visitor-friendly.<@SM>


SBA opens Office XP for business

The Small Business Administration this summer will give all its users Microsoft XP applications.


Air Force is set to award XML forms contract

The Air Force today plans to award PureEdge Solutions Inc. a contract to test a software for converting the service’s 14,000 electronic forms into Extensible Markup Language.


11 courts put criminal case files online

Eleven federal courts are letting the public access criminal case files online.


OMB to e-gov partners: Show us the money you need

The Office of Management and Budget is asking the agencies managing the 24 e-government initiatives to detail their resources needs so OMB can use its authority under the Clinger-Cohen Act to better allocate funding.


Health site garners accreditation

A consumer-oriented Web site run by the National Library of Medicine has received accreditation from an organization that promotes standards in the health care industry.


CIO Council rolls out first take on e-gov best practices

The CIO Council last week laid the foundation for an <br>e-government knowledge base. “We wanted to do something in real time and create a set of best practices that would be helpful immediately,” said Debra Stouffer, co-chairwoman of the CIO Council’s Best Practices Committee.


U.S. is still third in international e-gov rankings

The third annual global ranking of e-government initiatives by Accenture LLP of Chicago leaves the top three nations unchanged from last year: Canada, Singapore and then the United States.


GovBenefits sets the bar for e-gov

The launch of <a href=""></a> does more than just bring 55 benefits programs onto one Web site, it sets a positive tone for the other 23 Office of Management and Budget e-government projects yet to be finished, government officials say.


FSS surplus jump-starts three GSA e-gov projects

The General Services Administration has found a way to finance three of its five e-government projects without dipping into its discretionary funds.


Is your site effective? The right metrics can tell

Build customer-focused e-government, and they will come.


Minnesota answers HIPAA’s call

Greg Anderson had two choices when he learned what states had to do to comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. Minnesota’s supervisor of e-commerce and electronic data interchange for the Department of Human Services needed to procure a new system or redesign the current one.


OMB’s Lorentz: No pain, no gain on e-gov projects

Agencies working on e-government projects should be prepared for some discomfort, Norman Lorentz said recently.


OPM adds three to help lead e-gov projects

The Office of Personnel Management yesterday boosted its e-government staff by three to help manage the agency’s five initiatives.


Indian tribes gain special domain name suffix

Federally recognized American Indian tribes will gain a special domain name suffix identifying them as government entities under a cooperative agreement announced by the Interior Department and the General Services Administration.


Forman's team funds four projects

When Office of Management and Budget officials chose which of the 24 e-government initiatives would receive funding from the $5 million appropriated by Congress for fiscal 2002, they looked at the business cases the agencies submitted.


By the numbers

Just as air bags and electronic ignitions are universal in today’s cars, Internet access has become a baseline for libraries.


7,100 apply in first 2 days of virtual job fair

Applicants flocked to the virtual IT job fair last week presented by the CIO Council and Office of Personnel Management.


Leisure and tourism are top topics on federal sites

Sixty-eight million Americans have used government Web sites, according to a survey released earlier this month by the Pew Internet and American Life Project in Washington. That’s up from 40 million users two years ago.


Expose in Maryland

Maryland last week launched its first sex offender registry site, at <a href=""></a>.