



Working for the future

DOD's Acquisition 2005 Task Force has a complex but straightforward job


DOD deputy CIO rips 'cultural logjam'

In a fiery speech Sept. 21, the Pentagon's deputy chief information officer denounced those within the Defense Department and the federal government who resist innovative programs such as the Navy/Marine Corps Intranet.


Brubaker blasts 'cultural logjam'

The Pentagon's deputy CIO scolds the government culture that 'kills innovation and change,' including programs like the Navy/Marine Corps Intranet


Lockheed locks up $1.5B deal

A team led by Lockheed Martin Corp. has won a $1.5 billion Air Force contract to modernize and integrate 40 air, missile and space command and control systems


Firms protest $1.4B Army contract award

Litton/PRC Inc. and Federal Data Corp. have formally protested the recent $1.4 billion award for the Army's MMAD1 program

Digital Government

Northrop advances in federal IT

Northrop Grumman continued its march upon the federal information technology marketplace with the purchase of Sterling's Federal Systems Group


Bringing back the minutemen

The Air Force is experimenting with several information technologies designed, among other things, to reduce from hours to 'singledigit minutes' the time needed to locate, target and attack enemy positions.


Navy smart ship enters new phase

The Navy has released a request for proposals for its technologically advanced DD21 Land Attack Destroyer



Dan Verton, Interceptor extraordinaire and diehard former Marine, has decided to storm the beaches of another reporting beat. Dan inherited the Interceptor column from its creator and quickly made it his own. Following in Dan's wake, I encourage you to keep the intercepts coming fast and furious at


N/MCI award nears the homestretch

The Navy is likely to announce a contract winner for N/MCI around Sept. 20


Virtual diagnosis

Navy and Marine Corps medical personnel are using an interactive training tool that simulates the conditions of victims caught in a nuclear, chemical or biological attack.


DMS officially replaces Autodin

The Defense Message System came online Sept. 15, fully replacing the Automatic Digital Network System


Emergency treatment

Navy and Marine Corps medical personnel for the first time are using computerbased training to prepare themselves to treat victims of nuclear, chemical and biological attacks that could occur on the battlefield or in the streets of U.S. cities.


Army online education marches forward

The Army has released the RFP for Army University Access Online and announces sites to implement the online education initiative in 2001


Hard work reaps rewards

Col. Neal Fox, the director of the Air Force's information technology superstore, relies on determination and perseverance when it comes to managing complex projects.


Software licensing saves DOD a bundle

The Army Small Computer Program's use of software licensing agreements has saved the Army and the Defense Department $677 million in the past two years


Energy CIO returning to Air Force

John Gilligan, CIO for the Energy Department, is returning to his Air Force roots to fill the service's new principal deputy CIO position


Army tests digital forces

The Army will kick off a major new warfighting experiment Friday to test the effectiveness of infantry units armed with digitized information systems


Defending digital empires

In the early 19th century, the British Empire seemed unassailable to any and all who dared challenge it. Because of its military prowess, the 'sun never set on the British Empire.'