Digital Government

IT industry cries foul

Information technology organizations are banding together to oppose a controversial bill in Congress that they say could derail the growing movement toward federal IT outsourcing and, they claim, possibly even shut down critical functions of the government.


DLA boosts business registration

The Defense Logistics Agency has tweaked its online contractor database to allow military procurement officials to find information about their potential business partners.


No red tape

An Air Force directory with updated contact information for all service personnel, including e-mail addresses issued to each new recruit.


A portal for all reasons

The Air Force plans to unveil an enterprise portal in October that will integrate more than 28,000 information systems and help service members cut through the reams of red tape that often prevent them from getting the data needed to do their jobs.


GTSI, IBM win MMAD deal

The $857 million contract involves providing products and services to the Army, the Navy and the Treasury Department


DLA boosts business registration system

Data elements added will enable vendors wishing to do business with the government to provide more information about themselves


Army fine-tunes missile defense C3

The Army Space Command recently completed a joint battle planning exercise designed to finetune national missiledefense command, control and communications


DOD audit: Osprey may pose 'severe hazard'

The Marines Corps proceeded to develop and fly one of its most advanced hightech aircraft despite nearly two dozen known deficiencies in onboard computer systems and other equipment, according to an internal Pentagon report.


Deputy CIO with just one hat

Under a restructuring plan that heavily boosts its clout, the chief information office within the Air Force will add a senior position whose authority will include overseeing the service's multibilliondollar information technology budget and systems.


Military mandates single e-shipping system

An Army command that moves 16 million shipments per year at a cost of $1 billion in commercial transportation services is mandating the use of an electronic payment and shipment tracking system called PowerTrack.


DOD demands PowerTrack for shipping

Commercial shipping companies moving DOD personnel and equipment must use the electronic payment and tracking system as of Nov. 30


Air Force rebuilding CIO

The Air Force is restructuring the functions of its CIO, in part by creating a new position to take charge of the service's multibilliondollar information technology budget


Raytheon wins $1.4B Army radar deal

Under a $1.4 billion Army contract, Raytheon Co. will develop three radar systems for a highaltitude missiledefense program


Army: Sign up, log on

The Army intends to kick off in January what officials describe as the largest educational portal in the world, and the highestranking enlisted member ? Sgt. Maj. of the Army Jack Tilley ? may be among the first to sign on.


Air Force reaps savings

The Air Force announced last week that it saved $88,000 by using online reverse auctions to buy computer equipment.


Policy revision aims to defeat friendly fire

Military officials in recent years have become increasingly worried that the sheer number of weapon systems to fill the airspace of the future battlefield will overwhelm battlefield command and control efforts and lead to a rise in deaths by friendly fire. But a recently published joint operations manual should ease many of those fears.


DLA taps Andersen for systems revamp

A hot competition to modernize information systems at the Defense Logistics Agency ended Aug. 10 when the agency tapped Andersen Consulting to provide up to $389 million in systems integration services for the Business Systems Modernization program.


More than an update

Technically, the ICAC2 document updates the previous manual, published in 1994. But it actually is an overhaul that better accounts for some of the newer technologies used on the battlefield, such as unmanned aerial vehicles, the Conventional AirLaunched Cruise Missile and the Army Tactical Missile System.


Why Modernize?

DLA's website cites several reasons for modernizing logistics systems.


DLA taps Andersen for modernization

Defense Logistics Agency tapped Andersen Consulting to provide up to $389 million in systems integration services