
Funding fears surround military review

In a sweeping review, Pentagon will include technology's influence on the military and establish a defense program for the next 20 years


Air Force finds savings via auction

In its first test of online auctions, the Air Force saved about 27 percent off the price of computer equipment


Army awards C4I system to Motorola

The Army has awarded Motorola Inc. a $49.7 million contract to build the Joint Services Work Station to support surveillance and reconnaissance missions


Tech may track choppers

When the United States transfers 46 military helicopters to the Colombian government this year to fight the war on drugs, Pentagon technology likely will track the cargo every step of the way, possibly through territory dominated by drug lords.


Army networking soars with Openwings

Openwings, an information architecture being developed for the Army and expected to revolutionize battlefield command and control, has passed a challenging hurdle


Taking wing

Openwings' service-based architecture enables devices to enter a network spontaneously.


Keeping DOD on the right track

The Pentagon's Automatic Identification Technology (AIT) is an overarching initiative designed to ensure that all the services field interoperable tracking devices

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Openwings team open to collaborators

The Openwings team is actively seeking collaborators, an open approach unusual for military systems development.


Openwings team flying high

The team developing the Openwings command and control architecture for the Army is ecstatic following the successful demonstration of the prototype


Pentagon scrutinizes handheld security

The Defense Department is conducting a top-down review of security concerning the use of personal electronic devices, including palmtop computers, certain pagers, cell phones and laptop computers.


Finding a way to fix brain drain

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is looking forward to the expansion of a program that gives it greater flexibility in hiring science and engineering experts.


Meeting of the minds

Benefits of the DARPA Experimental Personnel Management Program for Technology Workers, according to DARPA's first annual report to Congress

Digital Government

The supercomputer's building blocks

Following are the individual components or 'bricks' included in the new Silicon Graphics Inc. supercomputer:

Digital Government

Labs make room for high performance

NASA, Air Force researchers turn to new SGI supercomputer for high performance at a low cost and small space


Securing the 'command center'

Other security efforts under way, as detailed in the July 14 memo to senior Pentagon officials from Rudy de Leon, the undersecretary of Defense for personnel and readiness:

Digital Government

Supercomputer stacks up

A supercomputer unveiled July 25 already has government customers lined up to use it, for tasks such as simulated flight testing of military jet fighters, designing replacements for the space shuttle and studying the origin of life in the universe. Backlog orders for the system total more than $100 million, industry sources say.


Army updating 'the way we do business'

The Single Stock Fund initiative is designed to merge the Army's wholesale and retail inventory management and associated financial accounting practices


GAO: Plans out of step for digitized corps

The Army must update its fielding plan for the first digitized corps because many of the systems will not be ready by the 2004 deadline, GAO reports


Army inspects open architecture

Openwings may ease battlefield command, control and communications as well as connect your refrigerator to the Internet

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SGI stacks up supercomputer, customers

Silicon Graphics' colossal new numbercruncher enables customers to tailor a supercomputer to their needs, 'brick' by 'brick'