Digital Government

Open-Source Movement Hits GIS Market

Following the lead of the opensource stalwarts who made the Linux operating system and the Mozilla World Wide Web browser respected, realworld products, developers of geographic information system (GIS) software are providing opensource tools that could become a valuable resource for state and l

Digital Government

Order and Law

Here's the vision: A police officer in Alabama stops a beatup Chevy Impala on a routine traffic violation. But instead of calling the license plate in to dispatch and waiting several minutes for an answer, the officer types the number into a mobile computer linked to a nationwide information syste

Digital Government

Feds, states pilot smart health cards

In a project that could have implications for how the government delivers public benefits in the future, federal and state agencies next month will kick off a multistate pilot project to deliver a variety of public health programs on a single smart card. The Health Passport Project will provide sma

Digital Government

U.S. DOT Opens FY 2000 Anti-Sprawl Funding Program

The U.S. Transportation Department this week opened its fiscal 2000 funding rounds for the Transportation and Community and System Preservation Program to help local governments fight urban sprawl.

Digital Government

California Harnesses the Internet to Fight Bacterial Outbreaks

To better flag information about deadly bacteria outbreaks, California's Department of Health Services recently went live with a new Internetbased system that will speed delivery of information on outbreaks, including salmonella, which involves raw or undercooked poultry.

Digital Government

Nation's Governors Brainstorm on Education Tech Strategies

The National Governors Association next week will hold the first of two working sessions to brief governors on how to shape statewide visions for education technology and bolster state education programs with enabling technology.

Digital Government

Feds Kick Off Rural Distance-Learning/Telemedicine Program

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has opened a funding program to promote distancelearning and telemedicine initiatives in rural America.

Digital Government

AT& T Donates $190,000 Toward Pa.'s Y2K Public Outreach Campaign

Pennsylvania officials Tuesday received a down payment on costs associated with the state's Year 2000 public outreach efforts.

Digital Government

Canton, Ga., Goes for Virtual Gov System

Expecting a population spike, an Atlanta edge city beefs up its Web presence.

Digital Government

California Hires San Diego DP Corp. for Y2K Work

Nonprofit computing center will provide state with consulting services.

Digital Government

States Agree to Swap Crime Data Files

A number of state legislatures clear the way to share data in noncriminal screenings of school teachers, bus drivers and others.

Digital Government

EDS joins health, local operations

Electronic Data Systems Corp. this week lumped together its state and local government operations with its health care programs, forming a new group dubbed State Business.

Digital Government

U.S. DOJ Offers Police Polling Software to Cities

The U.S. Justice Department's Bureau of Justice Statistics is offering cities new software for polling citizens on their attitudes toward policing..

Digital Government

San Diego County Has New Outsourcing Honcho

San Diego County's chief administrative officer, Larry Prior, this week announced plans to leave government to become president of a local hightech firm. Moving into Prior's slot is former deputy CAO Walt Ekard, who will serve as sourceselection authority for the county's huge outsourcing endeavor.

Digital Government

Kentucky Clears the Way for New Master Contracts

Unisys Corp. today announced a strategic alliances services contract award from the commonwealth of Kentucky a first step in the state's effort to frame a set of state contracts with IT vendors.

Digital Government

Federal Government May Be a Culprit in Urban Sprawl Crisis

The General Accounting Office recently issued an assessment of the impact federal regulations may have on America's sprawling urban and suburban development. Specifically, GAO was looking to quantify the effect taxation, environmental regulation, federal highway expansion funding and other programs have on urban sprawl.

Digital Government

BSA's New Anti-Piracy Campaign

Concerned that students do not exercise ethical judgment when it comes to technology, the Business Software Alliance, teachers and elected officials yesterday launched a campaign to drive home the importance of ethical software use.

Digital Government

Civic-Minded Technology

Bigger is better in Texas, and Lone Star State residents 'don't look kindly' on suggestions that they curb their appetite for real estate, Austin's senior planner, George Adams, admitted. When civic planning officials like Adams go before a roomful of angry motorists who stand to lose a leftturn l

Digital Government

Philly Outsources Desktop Maintenance

When Philadelphia's chief information officer, Brian Anderson, came on board last year, one of his first goals was to breathe life into a stalled effort to centralize the upkeep of desktop computersa plan the city claims could save $800,000 annually. Under Anderson's direction, the city has becom

Digital Government

Michigan Saves More By Offering Less

Electronic Data Systems Corp. announced recently that it saved Michigan almost $4 million by narrowing state employees' choice of PCs to a single desktop and a single laptop.