Digital Government

NASIRE Retains Mid-Year Conference Model

The National Association of State Information Resource Executives will continue its conference format of gathering state chief information officers in the spring as well as in the fall for association meetings.

Digital Government

CIOs Map Out Priorities

Gathered here for the National Association of State Information Resource Executives midyear conference, state chief information officers yesterday registered their wish list of issues for an information technology platform being pulled together by the nation's governors

Digital Government

The New Auction Block

It was just a matter of time before an Internetsavvy state or local government became bold enough to get in on the cyberauction frenzy. After all, millions of Americans each day click on popular World Wide Web sites to buy everything from Beanie Babies to baseballs slugged by the likes of Mark McG

Digital Government

Going, Going, Gone

Marketplace Going, Going, Gone Pennsylvania's Department of General Services has inked a deal with Internet auctioning company FreeMarkets OnLine Inc. to test popular online auctions in the world of government purchasing. During the threemonth trial, Pennsylvania will conduct three or four live cy

Digital Government

Java-GIS Going Mainstream

Autodesk Inc., the PC software company, recently asked a cadre of geographic information system (GIS) usersincluding many from state and local government shopsto spend an imaginary $100 on new capabilities they would like to see in a World Wide Webbased mapping package. Many put their money on J

Digital Government

California Governor Fills Top Tech Post

California Governor Fills Top Tech Post

Digital Government

White House shifts Y2K focus to states

Because most federal missioncritical systems are ready for the new millennium, the next governmentwide Year 2000 progress report, due out next month, will focus on federal interfaces with state systems, which reportedly are dangerously behind in Year 2000 fixes. A spokesman for the President's Cou

Digital Government

Rural Schools May Be Losing Out in Battle for E-Rate Dollars

Rural Schools May Be Losing Out in Battle for ERate Dollars

Digital Government

FEMA Embarks on Y2K Roadshow

FEMA Embarks on Y2K Roadshow

Digital Government

FEMA Embarks on Y2K Roadshow

FEMA Embarks on Y2K Roadshow

Digital Government

The new shape of training

IT vendors expand market by bundling training with products

Digital Government

Training in progress

Agencies are collaborating for the first time on setting governmentwide technology training priorities

Digital Government

The new state and local power tool

For some state and local government executives, geographic information systems have become a political power tool. Take the case of Arkansas Secretary of State Sharon Priest, who this year will use GIS to help redraw the state's political boundaries.

Digital Government

Apple Debuts iMac

With so many of the nation's kindergarten through 12th grade schools and many colleges holding a large installed base of Macintosh technology, Apple Computer Inc. is hoping to score big among school administrators with its new iMac desktop computer.

Digital Government

Texas Debuts TIES Model

Texas Debuts TIES Model


City of Tucson Recruits Washington State IT Deputy

City of Tucson Recruits Washington State IT Deputy

Digital Government

A Long Road to Health for Failed California Child Support Project

A Long Road to Health for Failed California Child Support Project

Digital Government

Oracle Plays the Child Welfare Market

Oracle Corp., with recent contract awards in Michigan, Ohio and Virginia, now holds a commanding lead in the market for Statewide Automated Child Welfare Information System (SACWIS) projects, which incorporate data warehousing, financial software and World Wide Webenabled client/server application

Digital Government

Rivals Look to Seed Technology in State and Local Agencies

Intergraph Corp. and the National Association of Counties have joined forces to help smaller county governments launch their own geographic information systems.

Digital Government

EDS to Brief Texas Legislature on TIES

EDS to Brief Texas Legislature on TIES