Digital Government

Federal, industry reps call for national standards to report data breaches

A nationwide notification system is needed to create better insight into the make up of threats and to investigate the crimes.


Debate heats up over cybersecurity regulations for electric utilities

Some House members want to set standards for how power plants respond to security vulnerabilities while the industry says that oversteps the government's role.


Report: Federal spending on info security will outpace overall IT spending

Increase in cyberattacks is driving government's continued investment in cybersecurity, says tech research firm.

Digital Government

DHS information-sharing initiative stalls due to privacy concerns

Lawmakers again place strings on funding for project to give law enforcement and intelligence agencies access to immigration records.

Digital Government

The young trust government, not the market, to protect their privacy

By a large margin, those 35 years old and younger believe it's federal agencies' role to take the lead in protecting Americans' personal information, poll finds.


No Need for IT in Cabinet

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano shot down the prospect of a cabinet-level information technology position during an online video address on Tuesday.

Digital Government

IRS slow reaction to bounced checks costs treasury $20 million

Inspector general also reports that the agency needs to improve oversight to detect unauthorized access to taxpayers' personal information.

Digital Government

Information security budgets generally dodge effects of downturn

While more than a third of public sector security chiefs report they curtailed projects this year, they made little progress in deploying systems to monitor network use, survey finds.


White House Blogs Cybersecurity

The Obama administration has posted three blogs to on cybersecurity since the sixth annual National Cybersecurity Awareness Month officially kicked off Oct. 1. The <a href=>first post</a>, by John Brennan, read more like a marketing letter, emphasizing that "government, industry and the individual computer user must all play a role in securing our information networks and data."


Congress requires Homeland Security's data center to go green

In passing fiscal 2010 funding, the House stipulates that more than half of the center's budget be set aside until DHS develops ways to ensure there is enough electricity.

Digital Government

DHS proposes standards for private sector disaster preparation

Industry fears the voluntary standards are too rigid and eventually could be made mandatory for companies looking to do business with the government.


Whoops, Where Sweden's Web Sites?

We hear a lot about cyberattacks, but here's an "oops" moment that hurts:


Millions More for Cargo Screening

The Homeland Security Department will spend $88 million in Recovery Act funds on scanning technology that will be used to inspect commercial goods crossing U.S. borders.


House panel plans cybersecurity training for members and staff

Two events will show users the best practices to protect computer systems, handheld devices and personal data from viruses and hackers.

Digital Government

Report: Identity theft is more prevalent than IRS data shows

GAO recommends stronger performance measures to assess whether fraud-detection initiatives are effective.


Experiencing Technical Difficulties

Hey, this could be a great idea: Congressional committees could post links on their Web sites to something called live webcasts of Hill hearings, allowing the press and public alike to watch and listen virtually from their homes or offices -- without spending time fighting traffic or contributing to greenhouse emissions.


VA looks to Web 2.0 technologies to improve management

Electronic health records initiative and social networking sites are among the projects under way.

Digital Government

U.S. behind foreign competitors in manufacturing green technologies

Specialists call for the government to invest in and provide tax incentives to American companies to reverse a $9 billion trade deficit and create jobs.


With no plan to respond to cyberattacks, U.S. risks reliving 9/11

Government needs a plan to state who is in charge and what must be done in the wake of an attack, or have poor coordination and preparedness.

Digital Government

Terrorists nearing ability to launch big cyberattacks against U.S.

Enemy states are not so much the threat as are cybercriminals who will peddle through the black market the software programs needed to launch a debilitating attack.