
Top tech trends pose the biggest security risks, say federal IT leaders

Seventy-nine percent of senior IT executives believe growth in collaboration software applications has increased the likelihood of data breaches.


DHS: Former 'whipping boy' of Congress

The Homeland Security Department served as "the whipping boy" of Congress during the Bush administration, which only magnified challenges faced by the young organization, said the former cyber chief of DHS during a roundtable discussion Thursday.


Commitee Passes Cybersecurity Bill

The House Committee on Science and Technology approved a bill Wednesday to support cybersecurity research and training, and the development of clear cybersecurity standards for federal agencies to follow.

Digital Government

NIST updates information security guidelines

Revisions emphasize need to continuously watch for threats and to build in protections while developing computer systems.

Digital Government

Cyber agencies mum on how they try to identify cyberattackers

Senators ask federal officials in charge of cybersecurity how they verify the source of the attacks, but they receive no clear answer.


Talks among world experts about what constitutes cyberwar grow cold

United States should open cyber defense strategy talks to a public debate, much like it did with nuclear weapons, security firm says.

Digital Government

Towns introduces bill banning feds from using file-sharing software

Prohibition aims to stop inadvertent leaks of sensitive government information, but OMB could grant permission to use programs if agencies need them for business operations.


Los Alamos National Lab again under fire for weak computer security

Officials failed to identify and authenticate users, encrypt classified information, monitor compliance with policies, or check that settings are up to date.

Digital Government

Homeland Security CIO reviewing dozens of programs for costs, risks

Richard Spires says his goal is to find where DHS has systemic weaknesses in managing IT programs, and he leaves open the possibility that some projects could be suspended.

Digital Government

Federal data breach notification standard must pre-empt state laws

Public and private entities currently juggle laws from 47 states, two cities and one U.S. territory.


Cybersecurity remains a constant battle for many IT officials

Employee violations of security policies continue to introduce risks that hackers exploit, survey results show.


Cybersecurity Goes Mainstream

Sunday night, the CBS news program <em>60 Minutes</em> devoted its first <a href=;cbsCarousel>15-minute (or so)</a> segment to cyber espionage, quoting such experts in the space as Jim Lewis, director of the technology and public policy program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies; Mike McConnell, former director of National Intelligence; and Rep. Jim Langevin, D-R.I., co-founder and co-chair of the House Cybersecurity Caucus.

Digital Government

Defense: Open source software is more secure than commercial code

Publicly available code has fewer security holes because more programmers work on the free programs than the number writing proprietary programs for commercial firms.


Will Androids Land on Networx?

The trade press has been all abuzz about Google's Linux-based mobile operating system, dubbed Android: Which manufacturers will offer the application? Will it give the proprietary iPhone system a run for its money?


Cybersecurity regulator for energy has its own vulnerabilities

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission did not identify sensitive information and how it should be protected, an inspector general found.


Industry should lead cybersecurity partnership

The federal role should be to regulate and enforce standards and respond to threats, report recommends.


Banning file-sharing software won't keep data safe from hackers

As House leaders reassess guidelines that led to the disclosure of an internal ethics report, security experts say audits and tests also are needed to protect information.


Lieberman previews cybersecurity bill

Another day, another cybersecurity bill. Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Joe Lieberman, ID-Conn., previewed the bullet points of a measure he plans to introduce later this year, which includes procurement reform that requires vendors to comply with security standards when selling technology solutions to federal agencies.


Compliance focus is hampering cybersecurity, critics say

OMB urged to update federal security standards to better detect network vulnerabilities and keep up with new threats.

Digital Government

Hill grills DHS over delay in consolidating financial systems

Risks in the 'monumental task' to create one network include relying heavily on contractors to define and deploy the system, GAO reports.