
Cyber Review Results Coming Soon

Results and recommendations of the Obama administration's 60-day cyber review will be revealed in the next few days, perhaps as early as Tuesday, said Melissa Hathaway, senior director for cyberspace for the National Security and Homeland Security councils.


Industry: protecting cyberspace calls for financial incentives

Excessive oversight stifles public-private collaboration to protect networks, lawmakers told.


Critics say bill to protect electric grid from cyberattacks lacks teeth

Measure enhances government's role in cybersecurity, but does little to encourage industry to take more precautions.


Bill would toughen security requirements over current law

A new White House cyberspace director would measure how well agencies patch systems for known viruses, malware and other security vulnerabilities.


Google CEO Tapped for Council

Google's chief executive officer is one of 20 individuals that will advise the president and vice president in formulating policy about science, technology and innovation.

Digital Government

House panel's file sharing investigation may be misguided

Congress should compel agencies to stop employees from downloading peer-to-peer applications, security professionals say.


Hathaway Confirms What We Knew

In her first public speaking engagement since being named acting senior director for cyberspace by President Obama, Melissa Hathaway generally confirmed what was <a href=>previously reported</a> regarding the 60-day review of federal cybersecurity policies and initiatives: The White House should coordinate cybersecurity efforts; private sector needs to play a bigger role in securing cyberspace; and responsibility for the protection of federal computer networks and systems should be divvied among a number of agencies.


TechAmerica's Cybersecurity Council Chair

Phillip Dunkelberger, chief executive officer of e-mail and data encryption software vendor PGP Corp., will chair a cybersecurity council of industry executives.


Time's Up on Cyber Review

An interagency group is in the process of submitting to President Obama the findings and recommendations that resulted from a 60-day review of the federal government's cybersecurity initiatives. the study came to a close on April 17.


Breach indicates need for stricter security requirements for contractor networks

In wake of data stolen on the Joint Strike Fighter, the government should develop cybersecurity standards that all federal contractors must follow.


Oracle to Buy Sun

Officially squashing <a href=>rumors</a> of an IBM purchase once and for all, Sun Micro Systems will be acquired by software company Oracle for about $7.4 billion, <em>The New York Times</em> <a href=>reported</a> this morning.

Digital Government

Most agencies fail to follow security steps to stop e-mail phishing

DHS, Treasury and other departments do not authenticate e-mail names and domains, increasing the chance for breaches, alliance says.


Donate Equipment, Train IT Workers

Military veterans will have access to IT training and certifications funded by a program that auctions off used computer equipment.

Digital Government

Standard electronic processing could ease FOIA backlog

Federal agencies need software that will help them keep up with requests for documents, group finds.


Electric grid breaches symptomatic of deeper cybersecurity gaps

Observers say networked environment and lax regulation of private sector companies make critical infrastructure particularly difficult to protect.


LOC offers more digital content



Industry group calls for public-private cybersecurity standards

The private sector also should play a role in self-regulating overall Internet security.


Sun rebuffs IBM's advances



IRS slow to implement computer security configurations

More than a year after the deadline, the agency still has not complied with a federal directive to secure desktops and laptops.


White House to oversee coordination of cybersecurity efforts

Administration officials identify more than 250 requirements it will use to direct Obama's federal cybersecurity agenda, which will include sweeping policies.