Digital Government

State law enforcement agencies call for national information sharing network

Area fusion centers need federal backing to collaborate on terrorist threats, lawmakers told.


Vendor recommends federal software security mandate

Government would benefit from building safeguards into software during development, report says.

Digital Government

DHS awards contract for surveillance systems along U.S.-Canada border

Boeing will deploy networks in Buffalo and Detroit and conduct a yearlong test to determine enhancements the department should add.


A Conficker Worm Diagnosis

Federal agencies worried that they might be infected with the dreaded computer worm "Conficker," which has infected more than 10 million computers worldwide, now have a tool to find out.

Digital Government

Prosecutors charge former IRS employee with filing false tax claims

Indianapolis worker allegedly used information from the Integrated Data Retrieval System to prepare six fraudulent income tax returns.

Digital Government

DHS secretary unveils 700 initiatives aimed at saving millions

Agencies will transition to e-documents and enterprise software licensing to cut costs.


White House to coordinate cybersecurity efforts

Obama's senior cyber official tells a House caucus that OMB could expand its staff to conduct more oversight of agencies' security initiatives.

Digital Government

Bar is raised for justifying best value contracts

A recent bid protest ruling signals agencies must be more thorough in documenting awards based on technical expertise rather than price.

Digital Government

GSA signs deals for agencies to use social networking sites

Agreements with new online media services such as Flickr and YouTube open way to meet Obama's soon-to-be released directive to collaborate with the public.


Number of infected Web sites sharply increases in 2008

Agencies should protect their Web sites from infection and take measures to keep employees from being tricked into visiting sites that contain malware.

Digital Government

SEC failed to fix security holes; two dozen new ones found

GAO audit finds the commission's weak practices leave financial data open to attack.

Digital Government

IBM's rumored acquisition of Sun would have little impact

Procurement specialists and company partners predict a consolidation of product lines.

Digital Government

Security standards potential 'showstopper' for health network

Agreeing on guidelines that meet private and public sector requirements will be difficult.

Digital Government

IRS improves cybersecurity, but still vulnerable to malware

Employees introduce risk by failing to comply with security policies, IG reports.


Panelists call for White House to lead cybersecurity efforts

The Homeland Security Department is best-suited for a coordinating role, GAO and industry officials tell lawmakers.


Review could relieve tension over cybersecurity leadership

Assessment will address which agency should be in charge of safeguarding government computer networks.


Managing Technology: Protecting Our Ports



Tension mounts between agencies over cybersecurity oversight

Resignation of DHS official leads some to argue for creation of independent cyber entity.

Digital Government

New federal CIO lays out IT agenda
