
Panelists encourage more dialogue between IT workers and policymakers

Technology gurus could grab lawmakers' attention by describing cyber threats in nontechnical language, officials say.


Contractors call for new agency to push cutting-edge IT

The Industry Advisory Council asks Obama transition team to create the Government Innovation Agency to serve as an incubator for new technology ideas and best practices.

Digital Government

IRS fails to scrutinize network activity properly, audit says

The tax agency set up an intrusion detection system but did not monitor logs to identify cyberattacks and vulnerabilities as set out in guidelines.


Intelligence official urges common cybersecurity standards

Defense and civilian agencies should adopt the same requirements, head of the National Security Agency says.


DHS secretary warns against White House oversight of cybersecurity

Taking over management of information security opens top administration officials to legal issues, Chertoff said.

Digital Government

Technology groups continue on path to consolidation

Mergers will help industry tell its story to the Obama administration and lawmakers, executive says.


Panel says White House should oversee cybersecurity efforts

Much of the responsibility for cybersecurity should be taken from OMB, which would focus on the budget, according to a report.

Digital Government

War gaming offers agencies methodology for assessing risk

Simulation technique should not be reserved for military operations, industry specialist says.

Digital Government

Air Force CIO says cybersecurity federal "Achilles' heel"

A broader view is needed to better protect federal networks, says military IT chief.

Digital Government

Agency to assess value of electronic health networks

Researchers will canvass Colorado providers to find out if they've found an online information exchange useful.


Melding Security


Digital Government

DHS fails to follow suggestions for better border security

GAO lists 39 recommendations the department has yet to implement, some more than three years old.

Digital Government

New guidelines push agencies to build in IT security controls upfront

Procedures detail how to protect personal information and assess risk when developing systems.


Guidelines to standardize network security controls

Recommendations will include shifting resources from certifying and accrediting systems to fixing known vulnerabilities in an effort to better secure federal networks.

Digital Government

Data breaches a top concern of federal IT managers

Survey shows a lack of confidence in security of Web 2.0 services such as file sharing, remote access to secure data and social networking.


Homeland Security: Cybersecurity is everyone's responsibility

Department official says agencies need their own computer security processes for protection in addition to the national initiative.


Security industry calls on feds to invest in cybersecurity

Group urges Obama administration and Congress to fund their research and protect them from liability caused by cyberattacks.

Digital Government

Obama administration looks to fill more than 300 IT positions

Defense has the most open presidentially appointed technology jobs.

Digital Government

Obama must use better technology to open government

OMB Watch says new administration should rely on commercially available collaborative tools to back promise of transparency.

Digital Government

Search for White House e-mails could span administrations

Nonprofits are optimistic that President-elect Obama's promises for transparency could mean greater cooperation in finding lost messages.