Digital Government

Lockheed Martin lands $900M Air Force pact

Lockheed Martin Federal Systems last week won a contract worth up to $900 million to modernize the Air Force's major information systems. The contract is a key component in the Pentagon's vision of seamless interoperability across Defense Department support systems. Under the Global Combat Support

Digital Government

DOD memo seeks costs by Sept. 15

The Defense Department responding to a congressional mandate included in the DOD authorization bill has stepped up its efforts to identify the extent of its Year 2000 problem and the cost of a fix. In an Aug. 1 memo chief information officer Emmett Paige Jr. directed all DOD components and services

Digital Government

SAIC taps Virtual Prototypes for PC-based tools

Science Applications International Corp. last week added another piece to its product suite for interactive visual simulation by signing an agreement with Virtual Prototypes Inc. to resell VPI's software for generating tactical scenarios for Defenserelated projects. Under the deal SAIC will bundle

Digital Government

Raytheon wins last DOD supercomputer center bid

Raytheon ESystems last week won a $168.9 million contract to establish the Defense Department's fourth and final supercomputing facility under its HighPerformance Computing (HPC) Modernization Program. Under the eightyear contract Raytheon ESystems Dallas will provide uptodate supercomputing

Digital Government

Pentagon relaxes oversight rules

The Defense Department last week issued interim guidelines for the oversight of information technologyrelated acquisitions providing a stopgap while DOD finalizes its strategy for complying with the Information Technology Management Reform Act (ITMRA). The guidelines issued by DOD chief informatio

Digital Government

Intelligent control system learns to fly

NASA and the Air Force last week unveiled an experimental aircraft that will test an intelligent flight control system which could play a critical role in the development of highspeed aircraft in the defense civilian and eventually commercial aviation markets. The new flight control system is base

Digital Government

GSBCA grants Sun protest

The Army Workstation1 procurement was derailed further last week when the General Services Administration's Board of Contract Appeals granted in part a protest by losing bidder Sun Microsystems Inc. Army Workstation1 is a $590 million program for Unix optional Windows NT workstations and associat

Digital Government

Defense puts out CD-ROM deskbook

The Defense Department last week published the first official edition of its CDROMbased Defense Acquisition Deskbook a compendium of DOD and government acquisition policies and a store house for more discretionary guidelines that may assist program offices. DOD originally announced the deskbook i

Digital Government

Acquisition guru plays alter ego

Fresh off the successful launch of the Federal Aviation Administration's acquisition system Dennis DeGaetano has taken up a new role: alter ego and deputy for George Donohue associate administrator for research and acquisitions (ARA). As deputy associate administrator DeGaetano moves from overseein

Digital Government

Schedule 70A sales drop 11 percent

Business in the first half of fiscal 1996 went from bad to worse on General Services Administration Schedule 70A, according to a new report by International Data Corp. Overall, revenue for Schedule 70A for Unix workstations and other large systemsrelated products dropped 11 percent compared wi

Digital Government

DOD taps NASA for charting mission

The armed services and the scientific community will have access to a previously unavailable wealth of topographic data as a result of a cooperative agreement inked last month by the Defense Mapping Agency and NASA. Under a memorandum of understanding signed by the two agencies, NASA will launch th

Digital Government

Draft RFP released for Virtual Data Center Services program

The General Services Administration late last month released the final draft request for proposals for a governmentwide program for outsourcing services called the Virtual Data Center Services program. GSA's Federal Systems Integration and Management Center (Fedsim) anticipates releasing an RFP by

Digital Government

High tech aids search for answers

When TWA Flight 800 plunged into the ocean just 15 minutes out of John F. Kennedy International Airport, the USCGC Juniper, the first of a new generation of hightech Coast Guard cutters, took up a position at the crash site and coordinated the early stages of the searchandrecovery effort. Since

Digital Government

AF, IC4I vendors huddle to smooth out problems

The Air Force this month launched an intensive effort to straighten the kinks out of its $929 million program for products and services in the intelligence and command and control communities. More than six months after making the first awards on the Integration for Command, Control, Communications

Digital Government

Vendors revving up red-hot sales vehicle

In this age of deregulation, the General Services Administration has become a kind of hightechnology bazaar in which vendors and customers can wheel and deal much as they might in the commercial arena, and spot pricing in particular has become a hot issue. In recent months, holders of GSA multiple

Digital Government

Visionary marries tech with AF mission

William C. James, director of architecture and technology for the Air Force and the designated technology visionary for his service, still identifies with Dilbert, the popular comic strip character generally seen as the epitome of nerdish software engineers. This stems from James' deep roots in the

Digital Government

Explosive changes loom as Independence Day nears

For many federal agencies, Independence Day this year comes on Aug. 8 the day the Information Technology Management Reform Act (ITMRA) goes into effect, bringing with it significant reforms in government procurement and management. In this new world, the government has been stripped of its centra

Digital Government

AT&T captures $430 million DOD contract

AT&T last week won a $430 million contract to provide highspeed network connectivity for the Defense Department's HighPerformance Computing Modernization Program. The fiveyear Defense Research and Engineering Network (DREN) Intersites Services Contract (DISC) will support a highly distributed DO

Digital Government

Harris helps controllers see weather at WARP speed

The Federal Aviation Administration last week awarded Harris Corp. a $72.5 million contract to provide air traffic controllers with access to more accurate and timely weather information in the en route environment. The Weather and Radar Processor (WARP) will be installed at 24 locations where cont

Digital Government

EMC set to offer network file server

EMC Corp., already a leading vendor in the federal mainframe storage market, will continue evolving its product line this fall with a highly anticipated entry into the network file server market. Like its recently released Media Server, which handles images and video, EMC's new network file server