Digital Government

Boeing lands B1-B systems overhaul

Boeing Co. won a $125 million contract last month to reequip the Cold Warera B1B bomber with a new generation of computer technology, in preparation for its future role as a conventional bomber. Boeing will install the new avionics system under a fiveyear Engineering and Manufacturing Developme

Digital Government

Sun led fed RISC market in FY '95

Sun Microsystems Inc. dominated the federal market for reduced instructionset computing (RISC) workstations and servers in fiscal 1995, according to a new report, but the landscape could change dramatically given the recent spate of multipleaward hardware contracts. Sun topped Silicon Graphics In

Digital Government

DOD seeks projects to employ BPR funds

The Defense Department, in a new phase of its Corporate Information Management initiative, is soliciting proposals to take advantage of $37.7 million in matching funds set aside in the fiscal 1997 budget for business process reengineering (BPR) projects. The Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD

Digital Government

Hughes, Zenith detail DTV wares

With the $1 billion Air Force Desktop V program about to open for business contractors Hughes Data Systems Inc. and Zenith Data Systems last week announced pricing and configurations for their major product offerings. Vendors expect their Desktop V lineups which feature 133 MHz and 166 MHz deskto

Digital Government

DOT plan adds second satellite signal

Global Positioning System suppliers are concerned about the costbenefit tradeoff of a Transportation Department plan that would add a second civil signal to the GPS satellite system. Earlier this month DOT requested industry input about whether it should proceed with the option for a second civil

Digital Government

DFAS hustles to salvage $81.6 million EDM system

The Defense Finance and Accounting Service is scrambling to correct problems that have stalled an $81.6 million program that was intended to convert the Defense Department's major financial processes to a paperless environment. The Electronic Data Management (EDM) system, a largescale imaging and

Digital Government

Axil targets Sun with SPARC-compatible graphics computer

Axil Computer Inc. this week will turn up the heat on Sun Microsystems Inc. with a SPARCcompatible highend graphics computer that provides extra performance and connectivity options while maintaining a 10 to 15 percent price advantage. Going head to head with Sun's 167 MHz Ultra 1 Model 170E, the

Digital Government

Intergraph debuts NT machines

Intergraph Computer Systems, Huntsville, Ala., today will introduce a new generation of its Microsoft Corp. Windows NTbased TDZ 3D graphics workstations, which incorporate the vendor's new RealiZm 3D graphics accelerators. TDZ workstations are available with one (TDZ310), two (TDZ410) or four

Digital Government

Amdahl previews CMOS machine

Amdahl Corp. this week revealed more details of its forthcoming entry into the Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS)based mainframe market, including support for Parallel Sysplex technology and an option to combine two eightway mainframes in one box. Expected to be available by August, A

Digital Government

Sylvest adapts its business to new procurement reality

Sylvest Management Systems Corp. is repositioning itself to take advantage of and not be stranded by the federal government's rapidly changing procurement practices and has added personnel in such highgrowth areas as the Internet to help smooth its transition. Sylvest, which specializes in pro

Digital Government

MCI wins $165M FAA satellite deal

The Federal Aviation Administration earlier this month awarded MCI a $165 million contract to provide satellite communications services in the National Airspace System (NAS). The 10year FAA Telecommunications Satellite (FAATSAT) contract will give the FAA a flexible vehicle for integrating satelli

Digital Government

Boeing captures $2B DISN contract

The Defense Information Systems Agency last week awarded Boeing Information Services Inc. a $2 billion services contract to support the deployment of the Defense Information Systems Network (DISN), a worldwide telecommunications backbone for the Defense Information Infrastructure. Under the DISN Su

Digital Government

JPAV helps officials tap services' personnel databases

As part of Operation Joint Endeavor and as a preview of the Global Command and Control System (GCCS) the Defense Department this week will deploy a new application that extends the concept of asset visibility from supplies to personnel. Like supplyoriented systems, the Joint Personnel Asset Vi

Digital Government

Sybase creates partnerships with Netscape, Verity

Sybase Inc. last week extended its push into Internet and object relational technologies as part of a slew of product announcements. Amid the product moves, however, the company reiterated its commitment to stay competitive by maintaining an open architecture. Rather than introducing new products o

Digital Government

AFN gets $20M channel upgrade

U.S. troops got a real morale boost earlier this month when the American Forces Information Service (AFIS) awarded a $20 million contract to Scientific Atlanta to upgrade the Armed Forces Radio and Television Service (AFRTS) Satellite Network. AFIS, which provides radio and TV programming to U.S. p

Digital Government

Desktop V ready to go

The Air Force's Desktop V contract got back on track last week after Government Technology Services Inc. and Sysorex Inc. withdrew their protests, which had delayed the program for nearly a month. As part of an outofcourt settlement, GTSI and Sysorex will receive cash settlements from winning ven

Digital Government

MasPar reborn as NeoVista

MasPar Computer Corp., which specializes in building highperformance parallelprocessing solutions in the federal market, is reinventing itself this week as NeoVista Solutions Inc. and bringing to market a suite of highend datamining tools for opensystems platforms. In shedding its old name, Ne

Digital Government

DOD IT budget gets $500M boost

The House Appropriations Committee (HAC) last week approved a bill that provides nearly $500 million in unrequested funds for Defense Department information technology programs in the 1997 budget.

Digital Government

Sun: Army biased for Windows NT

Sun Microsystems Inc. may bring the Army WorkstationI program to a halt, with an 11thhour protest against awards to Digital Equipment Corp. and HewlettPackard Co. filed last week. According to the protest filed with the General Services Administration's Board of Contract Appeals, the Workstation

Digital Government

Hewlett-Packard debuts 64-bit technology

Most federal workstation users can expect significant performance improvements with HewlettPackard Co.'s introduction of 64bit processing technology.