Digital Government

Lawmakers Question FBI’s Push for Backdoors in Encrypted Devices

They also push a wave of privacy bills post-Facebook’s Hill visit.


Uber Agrees to Expanded Data Breach Settlement With FTC

The ride-sharing company tried to conceal a 2016 data breach through its bug bounty program.


National Cyber Strategy Coming Soon From White House

The Pentagon will update its cyber policies based on that strategy, an official says.


DHS Is Falling Short on Securing Its Classified Intelligence Systems

The department isn’t effectively managing continuous monitoring, the auditor said.


Trump Homeland Security Adviser Bossert Resigns

Bossert was instrumental in developing the administrations cyber policy.


Deterring Russian Hacking Will Take More Than Latest Sanctions, Experts Say

The sanctions aim to pressure Russian oligarchs to pressure Putin in turn, but it will be a long time before behavior changes.


White House: Government Identity Verification Tools Aren’t Meeting The Threat

The order comes as personal information that organizations once used to verify people is increasingly available online.


Huawei Pushes Back On FCC Efforts to Bar It From U.S. Networks

FCC’s concerns Huawei is a Chinese spying tool are unfounded and based in rumor, the company said.


Here’s What Government Gets Wrong About Bug Bounties

Congress has gone bananas for bug bounties, but they may not always be the right choice.


White House Lags Far Behind on Email Security Benchmark

The White House has not installed the DMARC security tool on 18 out of its 26 email domains.


$380 Million in Election Security Money Coming Soon to States

California will get $36 million to secure its election systems; smaller states get less.


Inspector General Confirms Investigation into HHS Cyber Center

The office previously declined to confirm the investigation into the center, where two top officials were reassigned in September.


The FBI Didn’t Explore All Options Before Trying to Force Apple to Break Into an Encrypted iPhone

Some FBI officials were more interested in making a legal blow against cop-proof encryption than in getting into the San Bernardino shooter’s phone.


U.S. Seeks to Dismiss Kaspersky Suit Against Legislative Ban

The government filed motions to dismiss two Kaspersky lawsuits Monday, challenging legal and administrative bans.