Digital Government

CMS Deputy CIO to Replace HHS CISO Departing Amid Controversy

Outgoing HHS CISO Chris Wlaschin has said his March 31 departure is for personal reasons, not a scandal over the department’s cyber center.


House Lawmakers Introduce Hack the State Department Bug Bounty Bill

The bill would offer cash rewards for vulnerabilities hackers discover in State Department websites.


5 Big Takeaways From Senate Intel's Election Security Investigation

The bottom line is future elections are in danger of Russian meddling and we haven’t done enough to secure them.

Digital Government

Congress Faces Government Funding That Runs Out Friday

Lawmakers have been working on an omnibus spending bill but it has yet to be introduced.


Here Are Some Key Challenges to Critical Infrastructure Security

Researchers should focus on when humans need to be in the loop and when machines can take charge.


Auditor Finds Infosec Weaknesses in Most FBI Domains

The severity of the weaknesses isn’t clear from the annual report summary.

Digital Government

Congress Mulls a CIO's Authority, Future of Homeland Security and Data Breaches

And one caucus is concerned about climate change data vanishing form federal websites.


CYBERCOM Chief Nominee Plans Recommendation on NSA Split Within Three Months

Lt. Gen. Paul Nakasone has “no predisposed opinion” about the split, he told lawmakers.


Senate DHS Reauthorization Bill Likely to Streamline Oversight, Include Election Security

Senators also aim to limit partisan amendments to the bill that would reauthorize DHS for the first time in 15 years.

Digital Government

Microsoft, DOJ Face Tough Questions Over Overseas Data Warrants at Supreme Court

The government and the tech firm disagree over whether warrants under a 1986 law can reach emails stored overseas.

Digital Government

Supreme Court Could Limit Law Enforcement’s Reach in the Cloud

The high court will have to decide whether a 1980s law allows warrants for emails U.S. companies store abroad.

Digital Government

Lawmaker Seeks Allies to Reverse Net Neutrality Repeal

And the controversial sex trafficking bill is scheduled for a House vote.

Emerging Tech

Here’s How to Counter Fake News During a Disaster

A Homeland Security Department advisory group wants to help emergency responders control the social media conversation.


GAO Sustains Protest of $771 Million Defense Intelligence Agency Contract

The defense agency didn’t sufficiently explain why it picked a cheaper but riskier bid.


Just Over Half of Agencies Met a Web Encryption Security Deadline

Fifty-four percent of federal websites met the deadline for HTTPS encryption and other security upgrades.


Justice Launches Cyber Task Force

The task force will examine cyber efforts to undermine elections and critical infrastructure.