Digital Government

Congress Cooks Up Ideas to Secure Elections, Then Came the Mueller Indictments

Congressional Democrats are pushing for a hearing to discuss election security improvements while demanding further action in the wake of indictments leveled by Special Counsel Robert Mueller.


The Annual Cost of U.S. Cybercrime Could Top $100 Billion

Companies aren’t properly incentivized to protect their networks and we’re all paying the price, the Council of Economic Advisers concludes.


Could the Military Start Drafting Hackers in Their 40s?

A commission on the draft is studying cutting age and gender exclusions for people with cyber skills.


No Easy Answers, Just More Questions in Major Encryption Report

Any change to encryption policy will require a tradeoff between individual security and national security, a report from the National Academies concludes.


DHS to Scrutinize Government Supply Chain for Cyber Risks

The department wants to integrate cyber vetting into existing supply chain checks.


Kaspersky Sues to Reverse Congressional Ban

The Russian antivirus company previously sued to reverse a ban imposed by the Homeland Security Department.


Chinese Telecoms Could Join Kaspersky On Governmentwide Banned List

The Homeland Security Department banned the Russian antivirus company Kaspersky from government networks last year. Huawei and ZTE may be next.


Agencies Still Lag on Email Security One Month Past Deadline

Many agencies that have added the protection to their email domains haven’t configured it properly.


Trump 2019 Budget Boosts Cyber Spending But Cuts Research

The budget also moves DHS cyber research out of the science and tech division.

Digital Government

What to Know About the CLOUD Act

Lawmakers also weigh in on bug bounties and advance customer experience and open data bills.


Microsoft Vet to Lead DHS Cyber and Infrastructure Division

Christopher Krebs has been acting chief of the cyber and infrastructure protection division since August.


Senate Homeland Leader Proposes Panel to Fix DHS Oversight

The panel, which is tied to reauthorizing the department, would pare back overlapping committee jurisdictions.


DHS, Kaspersky Resume Court Battle Over Government Ban

The department opposed a Kaspersky motion to overturn the governmentwide ban on its anti-virus.


State Dept. Reverses Course, Plans to Launch Cyber and Digital Economy Bureau

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson earlier shuttered a cyber coordinator’s office with similar duties.


One-Third of Feds Think Government is Less Secure Now Than One Year Ago

Pentagon employees are more bullish on their agency’s ability to keep them secure than civilians.

Digital Government

Congress Has Continuing Resolution Fatigue and Needs a New Oversight Chairman

Bills focused on improving federal customer service and grant transparency are also scheduled for markup.


Booz Allen Hamilton Wins $621 Million DHS Cyber Contract

The six-year project will expand the continuous diagnostics and mitigation services DHS provides to other agencies.