
GAO Asks: Exactly How Does CYBERCOM Help After Cyberattacks?

The Pentagon failed to describe how it’s training to support civil authorities when a major cyber strike comes, the watchdog agency said.


FBI, DHS Warn of Hacker Mercenaries Funded by Nation-States

Lawmakers also are considering giving Homeland Security more authority to test anti-drone tech.


Homeland Security Told States About Russian Hacking Attempts with a Phone Script

There was one script for states that were probed by Russian hackers and another for those that weren’t, an official said.


The Pluses and Perils of Trump's Cyber Strategy

Continuity on most cyber policies masks a growing erosion of global cyber norms.


All Major Agencies Will Be on Federal Cybersecurity Dashboard by February

The dashboard will help government cyber officials work faster when a new bug is discovered.


Government Has Completed Phase Two of Kaspersky Ban

Agencies have all scanned their systems for the Russian anti-virus and drafted plans to replace it.


Federal Waste Report Says Government Dropped the Ball on Using Kaspersky Software

The long-delay before agencies were ordered to remove Kaspersky reflects a dangerous inefficiency in government, Sen. James Lankford says.


GAO: Federal CIO Shirking Oversight Responsibilities On Critical Projects

The lack of CIO involvement in major projects could allow them to slide off the rails, GAO says.


Senate Bill Seeks $1.8 Billion for DHS’ Cyber Mission

The funding includes $731 million to maintain and upgrade the cybersecurity of federal computer networks.


House Democrats Put $400 Million Price Tag on Election Security

State and local governments need money, not words, to shore up security, a panel of House Democrats said.


Continuing Resolution on Congress' Post-Holiday To-Do List

Congress moved along IT modernization and defense authorization bills but still faces funding the government.

Artificial Intelligence

Homeland Security Has A Plan To Fight Zombie Devices

The report urges more public-private cooperation on botnet takedowns and more and better cyber standards.


House Panel Investigates Retaliation Against HHS Cyber Leads

Leaders of the HHS cyber center were reassigned amid allegations of contracting misconduct.


Bill to Restore State Department Cyber Office Advances

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson shuttered the office in September.


White House Discloses Rules on Weaponizing Software Vulnerabilities

The administration will publish an annual report on how it decides whether to hoard or disclose newfound cyber vulnerabilities.


Kaspersky Software Found at 15% of Federal Agencies

The suspect Russian anti-virus was usually obtained as part of a larger security package.


1 in 8 Government Emails Received in October was Phony

In many cases, the spoofed emails come from IP addresses outside of the U.S.


Congress Passes FITARA 2, Hits Brakes on DHS Nominee

Lawmakers also want to keep a close eye on the multibillion-dollar health records contract Veterans Affairs Department is working on.


More Agencies Are Sending Safer Email

More than one-fourth of agencies have installed DMARC protection ahead of a DHS deadline.