
Expect Federal CIO, Federal CISO and Other Cyber Nominees Soon, White House Cyber Chief Says

The vacant tech and cyber jobs are not among those Trump plans to leave vacant to starve bureaucracy, Cybersecurity Coordinator Rob Joyce said.


DHS Nominee Signals Continuity, Competence in Confirmation Hearings

Kirstjen Nielsen has the most extensive cybersecurity background of any DHS secretary nominee.


DHS Cyber Info Sharing Focuses on Quantity Over Quality, IG Says

The department is sharing a lot of cyber threat indicators with agencies and the private sector, but only a handful are useful.


OPM Cybersecurity Still Lags Three Years After Massive Breach

The office’s cybersecurity maturity is at level 2 out of a possible 5, an auditor said.


Hundreds Attend Federal Cyber and Tech Hiring Fair

Some agencies are making on-the-spot job offers during the two-day event.


How a Commerce Department Standards Agency Grew Into a Cybersecurity Powerhouse

The National Institute of Standards and Technology has a hand in nearly every aspect of government cybersecurity.

Digital Government

Congress to Grill DHS Nominee, Former Yahoo and Equifax CEOs

And that evidence-based policy bill is moving through the House at a quick clip.

Digital Government

Federal IT Reforms are Freeing Up Funds in an Otherwise Flat Budget Forecast

Obama-era federal IT reforms are starting to have an effect, but there’s a long way to go, analysts say.


Lawmakers Back Down from Pushing NIST into Cyber Auditing Role

The cyber standards agency will now assist inspectors general in cyber audits.


Bill Calls on Public to Hack Election System

It’s not clear if the contest will include prize money or be a formal bug bounty program.


DHS is Too Slow to Share Cyber Threat Info, Companies Say

Homeland Security threat information is too slow to arrive and sometimes outdated, three out of six industry representatives said.

Digital Government

Twitter, Facebook and Google Head to the Hill

Congressional investigations into Russian political meddling expect answers from tech companies' lawyers.


Early Kaspersky Count Shows Anti-Virus Not Pervasive In Agencies

So far, fewer than half of agencies have reported finding the Russian anti-virus software on their systems, a DHS official said.


Could FedRAMP Approvals Be Used to Buy All Government Technology?

The New Democrats Coalition pushes the government to adopt shared technology certifications and a national breach notification standard.


Bill Calls for Cyber Training for House Lawmakers

Staffers are currently required to undergo cybersecurity training, but members aren’t.


Kaspersky Says It Intercepted NSA Hacking Tools but Didn't Hand Them Over to Russia

The Russian anti-virus firm released preliminary results of an investigation into how and when it lifted NSA malware from a personal computer.


Trump Administration Plans a New Cybersecurity Strategy

The strategy will be based on the main elements of the president’s May executive order.


Pentagon to Scrub Kaspersky From Defense Systems Following DHS Ban

The Defense Department is following a DHS directive to remove the Russian anti-virus from its systems but it’s not clear if the software was there in the first place.