
Senator Presses FTC on Hackable Toys

Internet-connected toys can expose children’s personal information or be used as surveillance tools.

Emerging Tech

Government Needs Strategic Vision for Emerging Tech, Advisory Group Says

The Trump administration should tackle networking speed advances like the Obama administration did cloud, NSTAC draft report says.

Digital Government

DHS Lags on Some FITARA Benchmarks

In all three cases, DHS said it had achieved the milestone, but GAO’s review found otherwise.


White House Adviser Wants to Move Cyber Risk Decisions Up the Chain

Cybersecurity Coordinator Rob Joyce also urged members of an advisory board to help the government combat botnets.


These Homeland Security Cyber Tools Are Now Available for Private Sector

DHS’ tech transfer office is promoting eight new technologies to industry for commercialization or pilots.


White House: No U.S. Federal Systems Hit By WannaCry Ransomware

The attack also appears to have spared critical U.S. infrastructure such as energy plants and dams.


NIST Unveils 'Framework Meets FISMA' Cyber Best Practices

The document came out just one day after Trump mandated agencies follow the office’s cyber best practices guide.


GSA Tech Office Launches Bug Bounty Program

This is the first civilian government program that pays ethical hackers to search out digital bugs.


Trump Releases Long-Delayed Cyber Order

The order was delayed so security and modernization programs can work in tandem, an official said.


CYBERCOM Chief Defends Delay in Trump's Cyber Strategy

Trump missed a deadline to deliver the strategy within 90 days of taking office.


What Federal Cyber Workers Think Would Improve Hiring

Agencies could improve cyber hiring by offering to sponsor certification and training programs, survey respondents say.


Bill to Aid Small Business Cyber Gets $6M Price Tag

The bill would direct NIST to create cybersecurity resources for small companies of varying sizes.


New Dems Urge OPM to Hire More Cyber Pros Without 4-Year Degrees

Bachelor’s degrees aren’t required for many government cyber jobs, but new hires typically have them.


DHS: Time to Beef Up Mobile Security

A congressionally mandated study found the government needs to up its game on mobile device security.


How a Fake Cyber Statistic Raced Through Washington

A frequently cited statistic about the danger small businesses face from cyberattacks has no basis in fact.


Latest Cyber Executive Order Draft Focuses on Workforce Competitiveness

The order directs government agencies to study how U.S. cyber education and training compares to other nations.


House Panel Passes Bill Requiring Federal Cyber Guidance for Small Businesses

The committee's Democratic leader criticized the bill for giving the government’s cyber standards agency more responsibility without more funding.


Compromise Spending Bill Includes Cyber Goodies

The Homeland Security Department, FBI and Secret Service all get cyber boosts in the bipartisan bill.