
The Government Wants a Thriving Cyber Insurance Market. Here’s How It’s Getting Started

The Homeland Security Department wants to build a massive repository of cybersecurity and breach data that insurers can learn from.


McCaul: Expect a Major IT Modernization Push after Cyber Executive Order

The effort to modernize government technology will likely be driven by Rep. Will Hurd’s legislation, the House Homeland chairman said.


Former Intel Director: ‘The Clearance System We Have is Broken’

The government needs to be able to continuously vet intelligence employees for threats, former Director of National Intelligence Director James Clapper said.


Congressional Staffers to Get Cybersecurity Crash Course

The training is part of a public awareness campaign in President Obama’s Cybersecurity National Action Plan.


White House Cyber Czar to Play Role in Kushner Innovation Office

White House Cybersecurity Coordinator Rob Joyce will help ensure any government modernization programs build cybersecurity in, he said.


A Cyber Threat Sharing Group for Mariachi Bands? Maybe One Day.

Cyber threat information sharing can benefit everyone, the director of a standards organization says.


Want to Rank Devices’ Cybersecurity? Here’s How to Do it.

An Energy Star system for cybersecurity is complicated, but not impossible, one think tank says.


Advice to Trump: Top Cybersecurity Talent Costs Money

The Trump administration should increase pay incentives for cyber workers, an accrediting organization says.


Government Needs ‘Heavy Artillery’ for Cyberspace, DHS Chief Says

Plodding bureaucracy could leave government outgunned in cyberspace, Gen. John Kelly said in his first major address as secretary.

Emerging Tech

DARPA Thinks Military Strategists Could Learn a Lot from Video Games

The agency is seeking proposals for how video games can aid strategic, operational and tactical war gaming.


Microsoft Outlines Cyber Geneva Convention Proposal

The company is also promoting an international nonpolitical body for cyber attribution.


CIA Director Pledges to Ramp Up Digital Defenses Against WikiLeaks, Insider Threats

Mike Pompeo characterized WikiLeaks and others as anti-democratic celebrity seekers in his first public remarks as director.


Mismanagement Could Scuttle Trump Cyber, IT Modernization Plans

Trump’s prepping big plans to modernize and secure government technology, but he’ll need government’s buy in to get it done.


Industry Urges Changes to NIST Framework Update

The comments came ahead of a Monday deadline for a 1.1 version of the popular framework.


Greatest Damage from OPM Breach was to Government’s Reputation

The damage to government’s credibility far outweighed the breach’s impact on security, officials said.


Cyber Watchers Fear Hackers Could Hold Government, Infrastructure Hostage

Criminal hackers could hijack the digital controls of a chemical plant or dam and threaten massive damage unless they’re paid $100 beeellion.


Giuliani Cyber Task Force Hammers Down Focus Issues

The task force plans to bring industry cybersecurity executives into the White House to brief on those issues, a McAfee executive said.


Nunes Steps Back from House Russian Investigation Amid Controversy

The House Intelligence chairman’s decision to step aside offers a fresh start, ranking Democrat says.


Bill to Improve Small Business Cybersecurity Advances

The bill directs NIST to create "clear and concise" guidance for how small and medium businesses can boost their digital defenses.