
State Officials Question Benefits of Federal Election Oversight

Officials say a new designation provides little help and could undermine election transparency.


NSA Engaged in Massive Battle with Russian Hackers in 2014

An NSA official previously described the toe-to-toe battle but placed it in 2015.


NIST Cyber Board Wants Trump Advisers to Show Up to Next Meeting

The board also plans to highlight election security in a meeting readout sent to the White House and federal agencies.


NIST Must Audit Federal Cybersecurity Because DHS Isn’t, Hill Staffer Says

The House Science Committee forwarded legislation requiring the government’s cyber standards agency to conduct audits as well.


OPM Pays Too Much Protecting Breach Victims from Identity Theft, Watchdog Says

Congress required OPM to provide identity theft insurance up to $5 million, but claims rarely exceed a few thousand, GAO says.


Trump Team Seems to Stay the Course With the Last Administration’s Cyber Efforts

Two recent moves suggest the Trump White House isn’t seeking a sea change in international cyber policy.


NIST Cyber Framework for Federal Agencies Coming Soon

The guidance is expected in the next two months or so, a NIST official said.


DHS Seeks to Reboot Relationship with Election Officials as Cyber Fears Loom in 2018

DHS wants to ensure election systems are secure against Russian hackers before the 2018 election.


House Vote Ensures Rollback of Internet Privacy Rules

Critics say the move will undermine consumers' privacy and cybersecurity; supporters say it removes damaging regulations.


DHS Cyber Strategy Delayed for Trump Team Review

The department sees a "generational" opportunity for security in IT modernization, cyber lead says.


International Group Sees New Niche for Bringing Stability to Cyberspace

The Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace is on a 3-year mission to create rules of the road.


Feds Skeptical About Security of Their Agencies’ Internet-Connected Devices

Major challenges prevent government from adequately securing the smart devices it relies on, including inadequate funding and a procurement process unprepared for digital-age challenges.


Revamp DHS Cyber Authorities, Former Officials Urge Congress

Ex-NSA Director Keith Alexander also suggested reducing the number of DHS political appointees during a Wednesday hearing.


Once Stealthy, Russian Hackers Now Go Toe to Toe with U.S. Defenders

Once wary of being spotted, Russian government hackers now battle with their U.S. adversaries.


Expect New DHS Cyber Strategy Soon, Acting Lead Says

Jeanette Manfra has seen no new trouble recruiting cyber talent under Trump, she said.


Comey Confirms FBI Investigation into Trump Russia Ties, Denies Wiretapping

House intel Democrats pressed on Trump-Russia ties during a hearing while Republicans focused on classified leaks.

Digital Government

Delays and Bugs in Immigrant Vetting System Trouble Lawmakers

An upgraded IT system has been delayed for years and runs more than $1 billion over budget.


What Trump's Skinny Budget Says About Cybersecurity

The budget proposal pledges cyber initiatives at the Pentagon and Homeland Security Department and to counter terrorists’ use of encryption.


No Evidence of Trump Wiretap, House Intel Leaders Say

The FBI declined to publicly answer a Senate panel question about any investigation into the Trump campaign.