
DHS Showcases Bluetooth Tech at RSA

DHS’ cyber research division looks for technology the private sector will use but might not develop on its own.


New York DA to Trump: Have Our Backs Against Cop-proof Encryption

New York District Attorney Cyrus Vance advocated a congressional ban on cop-proof encryption, but legislation never got off the ground.


Why NIST's Framework Avoids a One-Sized-Fits-All Approach to Cybersecurity

Many companies are adopting the framework, but there’s still work to do, the NIST program manager tells Nextgov.


What Former NSA Chief Keith Alexander Thinks of Trump's Cyber Stance

The former NSA director hopes Trump will allow government to more actively defend industry from cyberattacks.


Lawmakers’ Personal Devices Need Better Security, House Member Says

The letter from Rep. Ted Lieu also urges speedier cyber training for House employees.


Water Treatment Plant Hack Kicks Off RSA Conference

A new survey finds cyber anxiety high during the Trump administration.


House Science Democrats Want to Investigate White House Cyber Vulnerabilities

The lawmakers cite vulnerabilities in Trump’s Twitter and cellphone in a letter to committee leadership.


There's Cyberwar and Then There's the Big Legal Gray Area

Scholars are split on whether the Democratic National Committee breach violated international law.


Government Must Pick Between Bad Options in Encryption Debate

The government faces numerous bad choices in the encryption debate, but the worst is doing nothing at all, a think tank report concludes.


House Approves Bill Requiring Warrants for All Police Email Searches

The House approved similar legislation last year, but it never reached the Senate floor.


New International Cyber Rules Likely Off the Table for UN Experts Group

The UN group affirmed international law applies in cyberspace and stated nations should not hack each other’s critical infrastructure during previous meetings.


Security, Background Checks, Tech Refreshes Top House Oversight's To-Do List

Committee efforts include ensuring the security of background check information and reducing legacy information technology.


Senate Judiciary Panel Puts Stake in Russia Hacking Investigation

Investigations have already been announced by the Senate Intelligence and Armed Services committees.


OPM Cybersecurity Hearing Devolves into Russia Hacking Squabble

Rep. Stephen Lynch wants the House oversight committee to investigate the election hacks, but Chairman Jason Chaffetz says that’s outside the committee’s jurisdiction.


GAO Sees Room for Improvement in DHS’ Cyber Ops Center

The National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center needs to ensure it's speaking with the full range of critical infrastructure owners, the watchdog says.


Undermining Encryption Not an Option, House Judiciary Chair Pledges

A bipartisan committee report that urged strong encryption will be the committee’s starting point this year, Rep. Bob Goodlatte said.


Draft Trump Order Would Launch 4 Major Cyber Reviews

The relatively uncontroversial order is significantly more expansive than the cyber vulnerabilities review Trump promised.