
Cyber Commission Remains Bullish Trump Team Will Take Some Recommendations

The cyber review, ordered by Obama, may have a future under Trump, even if Obama doesn’t get credit.


Congressional Russia Hacking Reviews to Examine Trump Campaign Ties

House and Senate Russia election hacking reviews also will look at intelligence leaks.


Durbin Accuses Republicans of Trying to Keep Election Hacking Investigation Secret

Senate Democrats are pushing for an independent commission to review Putin’s election tampering.


The Encryption Wars Will Return One Way or Another

House Homeland aide predicts another encryption standoff, urges tackling the issue before there’s a crisis.


Trump Administration Highlights Offensive Cyber in First Moments

The new commander-in-chief noted offensive military cyber capabilities and using offensive cyber to disrupt ISIL


CIO Council Plans Https Default in 2017

About 70 percent of federal web domains now use https encryption.


Transparency Group Sues for FBI Records on Russian Hacking

The Electronic Privacy Information Center cites an “urgent public interest” in the records being released.


Commerce Nominee Endorses Cyber Push, Modernizing Government Tech

Billionaire investor Wilbur Ross also praised the security benefits of cloud computing.


Rounds to Lead Senate Armed Services Cyber Panel

He pledged to focus on DOD’s role protecting critical infrastructure from cyberattacks.

Digital Government

DOD Cyber Policy Chief: We’ve Deterred Destructive Cyberattacks

Departing DOD cyber policy chief Aaron Hughes talks cyber deterrence, offense and hiring in an exit interview with Nextgov.


We Have 'Very Robust Defenses': An Exit Interview with Cyber Coordinator Michael Daniel

Daniel defended the administration's cyber legacy in an exit interview, pointing to a bevy of new policies and cyber détente with China.


Obama’s Cyber Legacy: He Did (Almost) Everything Right and It Still Turned Out Wrong

Obama took cyber seriously and tried to tame it, but we’re no safer in cyberspace today than we were eight years ago, experts tell Nextgov.


Pompeo Pledges to Give Trump the Straight Dope on Cyber Threats

The CIA nominee expressed high confidence in the intelligence community’s conclusions about Russian hacking.


Giuliani to Advise Trump on Cyber

Trump has pledged a 90-day cyber review soon after taking office.


Trump Acknowledges Russian Hacking, Points to Poor Defenses

The president-elect also lashed out at the intelligence community during a press conference, claiming officials leaked phony charges against him.


DHS Nominee has ‘High Confidence’ in Intel Community’s Conclusion on Russia Hacking

The statement could put Gen. John Kelly at odds with other cabinet nominees and his future president.


Senate Staffers to Assess Intel Community’s Russian Hacking Report

Congressional staffers will examine the report’s confidential sourcing to ensure it is sound.


Here's Why Trump's Intel Bashing Matters

The president-elect’s denigration of the Russian hacking findings will make it harder to make a case against other U.S. adversaries, former officials say.


DHS Designates Election Systems Critical Infrastructure

The moves comes amid an end-of-administration drive to respond to Russian meddling in the 2016 election.