Emerging Tech

How Government Data Could Make College Cheaper

The Education Department is asking developers how they could use APIs to make college a better value for students.

Emerging Tech

Government-Run Competitions Should Be About Markets, Not Prizes

That means knowing where you want the market to go but giving competitors flexibility to get there faster.

Emerging Tech

How Technology Failed to Fix Kenya’s Election

While the 2013 elections were largely violence free, that was no thanks to technology.

Digital Government

Census Needs Better IT Plans for 2020, Auditor Says

The bureau is considering using Internet surveys and asking field workers to BYOD.


What Kind of Tech Exec (or Potential Exec) Are You?

Take our quiz to find out if you're a security superstar or a productivity powerhouse -- or maybe neither.

Digital Government

What Should Scare Us About Health IT

Advancements in electronic health records also make our records more vulnerable to hacking.

Emerging Tech

The White House Wants More Fossils and Moon Rocks Online

Agencies have six months to develop draft policies for expanding online access to scientific collections.