Emerging Tech

Now's Your Chance to Weigh In on the White House's Web Privacy Policy

The administration says it won't share personal info about Web visitors outside the government.


Federal Website Security Bill Moves Forward in House

Measure would require CIOs to certify websites collecting citizens’ information are safe.

Emerging Tech

How Maps Drive Decisions at EPA

Spreadsheets and graphs no longer anchor the agency's discussions.

Digital Government

Obamacare Enrollment Slows Again in February

About 4.2 million people have signed up for insurance through HealthCare.gov and other sites.

Digital Government

Key Senators Back a Stronger, More Digital FOIA

The bill, which would mandate a governmentwide online FOIA portal, passed the House unanimously.

Emerging Tech

In the Future, Internet Privacy Will Be a Luxury for Those Who Can Afford it

Experts predict the increasingly digital economy could create even deeper structural unemployment for low-skilled workers.


Obamacare Cloud Contract Will End Up Costing 10 Times Its Original Value

CMS extends its Verizon contract for seven months because of delays in moving to a new cloud host.

Emerging Tech

Sequestration Hit IT Contracts

More than three-fourths of agencies re-scoped information technology contracts to manage the arbitrary cuts.

Emerging Tech

Private-Sector Technologists -- the White House Wants You

The third group of Presidential Innovation Fellows will focus on open data and crowdsourcing.

Digital Government

White House Seeks Feedback on Big Data and Privacy

The Office of Science and Technology Policy is hosting a series of events focused on the implications of big data analysis.

Emerging Tech

Is Smarter Dot-gov Reform on Its Way?

A new campaign to rationalize the federal Web presence may be about metrics-driven customer service.

Emerging Tech

Here’s What Government Is Thunderclapping About

Feds launch crowd-tweeting campaigns around AIDS awareness and sober driving.

Emerging Tech

FDA Wants to Monitor Social Media Chatter About Product Risks

Blog and social media buzz monitoring could help the agency better communicate drug risks.

Emerging Tech

The Curious Case of the Obamacare Doge

Why did an HHS tweet get hundreds of favorites but mostly negative comments?

Emerging Tech

Are Conflicting Priorities Making Your Job Harder?

We want to know the toughest challenges you’ve faced in federal technology.