
Telework tango

Lawmakers demand that agencies act to allow feds to work off-site


Growing government program managers

VA created in-house training program to fill a talent shortage.

Digital Government

Data mixup sent to hospitals

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services said 400 hospitals received the wrong data from a contractor.


Award affirms Holcomb's DHS work

The Association for Federal Information Resources Management gave its 2005 award for executive leadership to DHS' chief technology officer.


A work in progress

Feds slow to increase women and Hispanics in workforce.


Mehan retiring from FAA CIO job

Daniel Mehan, the chief information officer at the Federal Aviation Administration, is retiring at the end of August.


SAIC's Piatt elected to IAC post

The Industry Advisory Council announced the results of its 2005 executive committee election for six positions with terms beginning July 1.


Can we have a word with you?

DOD employees flood agency with e-mail on pay-for-performance plans.

Digital Government

The gift of life online

California turns to e-donor registry to help those in need of transplants.


Just don’t call them 'bonuses'

Agencies may pay better recruiting incentives.


House proposal eviscerates HealtheVet

A subcommittee gutted President Bush's request for $311 million for fiscal 2006 to launch a health e-record program for the nation's veterans.


OPM offers incentives

New rules allow for paying extra money to recruit, keep or move workers.


Pace of workforce change picks up

Modernization plans include trying to fix the hiring system, making it faster and creating rewards for performance rather than seniority.


OMB: Quality will pay

But longevity by itself won't, says the Office of Management and Budget's deputy director for management.


Fixing the retirement system

OPM in a race against time.


IRMCO honors tech work

CIO Council and Interagency Resources Management Conference officials announced annual awards for the best IT work in government.


OPM asks health providers for IT plans

Office of Personnel Management officials want companies that provide health coverage for federal employees to convert to electronic health records.


Cooper joins Red Cross as CIO

The former CIO at DHS now has the same position at the Red Cross.


A peach of a deal

VA plans to launch next generation of popular contract vehicle.


Slowing the brain drain

The Rising CIO Stars Forum entails finding an auditorium, inviting a few experienced IT executives and then advertising to attract an audience.